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L loser
I'm going insane helo
I want the rats back sir
Help please
Deal with destiny bitches L

Lizzie groaned as she slammed the book shut,glaring at the figure of the axolotl enderman as she didn't want to anger it

She quickly turned away,her dress flowing behind her while she walked back into her treasure room,filled with what other people would call garbage but what her and her seabling would call precious treasure

The sound of swimming made her stand up straight before sighing while realising that it was probably a fish or some other sea creature

None of the sane people would come down here but her and Jimmy did as they were somehow connected to the water and probably the orb she was looking for

The pinkette had been waiting for the Rivendell king as she had found out from their fellow alliance,Katherine of the Overgrowth that the elf had the ocean orb

They hadn't officially talked before nor did she fully trust him however Jimmy said that the cyanette meant a lot to him so she would have to believe he was a good man

The sound of more swimming made her sigh as she turned back to the 'treasure' however the sound of footsteps made her turn around,only too see the person she was waiting for

Scott looked slightly disgusted and soaked,from the ocean and from the room infront of him however he put on a smile as he saw the queen

They both had the exact same thought of scamming the other however little did they know

They made a deal with destiny

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