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Part 2 of Joke 🫶🫶
I'm rewatching Lizzie and Joel read fanfic why am I scared😭

Pixlriffs looked at the two infront of him,he finally convinced Jimmy and Katherine to let him talk tot the two in his own empire

He sighed "You two cant be serious,I have his book of crimes he has SEEN you commit" the adventurer began cleaning his prosthetic leg while think of an idea "How about this-"

Both Shubble and Scott got closer "-You two help every empire for a week and I'll convince the dear old sheriff to let you two go" he smiled softly as they nodded

"Thank you so much mr.Pixlriffs!" The witch said,hugging him before getting ready to head home before being stopped

The other turned around too,clearly concerned "you both have to stay here,luckily I have rooms" he then began to explain that there's no way the blonde would let them stay at home

It took them a while to agree but they did,both running off to claim their rooms while the older contacts the sheriff and his 'deputy'

After a few days,the two decided to check up on them,they heard from multiple people that they were infact helping but it was just incase

Katherine slightly fanned herself,looking around the growing empire and grinning before looking up "Greetings Mr.Riffs"

The man laughed before slightly shaking his hand "No need,Pixlriffs is fine" he glanced at both while smiling "I assume your here for them?"

Then Jimmy spoke up "They still have two more days if I'm correct so we're just here to check up" he crossed his arms,holding a single poppy in his hand

With that,the followed him to a room where laughter could be heard,slowly opening the door they saw Scott and Shubble cleaning the living room while telling jokes

They both turned to the sound of the door and brightened up even more,rubbing towards their respective partners

The witch laughed and held Katherine close to her,the princess covering her face as the shorter buried her face into her chest

While Scott picked up the sheriff and spun him around,causing the blonde to let out a slight yell and wrap his arms around the cyanette necks and his legs wrap around his hips

He laughed,moving his arms to hold him up by his ass,causing the shorter to flush bright red,the taller laughing and trying to keep himself stable

Pixlriffs smiled softly before leaving the couples alone,running off to go on some sort of adventure and find new treasures

The blonde scowled at his boyfriend before sighing "You two been doing the work?" He asked,still holding onto Scott tightly incase he fell

Shubble grinned more "Yup! We were just finished with our tasks today" she slightly tipped her huge witch hand before pulling out her wand and making a bouquet pop out of nowhere before handing it to Katherine

The other two rolled their eyes before looking back at each other,Scott just now realising the poppy in Jimmys hands "Oh,what's that sunflower?"

He looked down at his at his hands before putting the flower in the cyanettes hair,a soft smile on bei face "It's for you since I felt bad" the blonde rubbed his neck slightly

They all knew they would be back together soon but the criminals still had two days so they had to be off soon but we're happy they could spend time together

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