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Woah reference to ALSMP despite not watching it?? Yes
Flower husbands but Scott's a vampire (obv)
Season 2 🫶🫶

Scott sighed as he got up and put on his fedora,it help with the sun,not like he burned in the sun however it did cause him to feel sick

With that he opened his door,only to see two people he didn't expect,Lizzie and Jimmy running around with the cat trampling his crops

He frowned slightly as the two got closer to his door "Hello colourful man!" greeted the pink haired girl as she stopped right in front of him,pulling the sheriff closer

"Brought you your dear old boyfriend for blood" she smiled while still holding onto the tallers wrist,which he pulled away as she finished speaking

Everyone in the server knew he was a vampire but didn't really care,as long as he didn't kill anyone there would be no problems

The cyanette turned towards his boyfriend who was rubbing his neck,right over the bite marks from last time he was hungry

"Thanks Liz,you didn't have too though" he laughed,moving out the way as his partner walked into the house,already heading upstairs

She crossed her arms while tilting her head,the multicoloured tail wagging behind her "you haven't eaten in about a week from what I've heard,just concerned" with that she waved before running off,heading back to Animalia

The sound of his floorboards creaking made him grin,shutting the door and heading back up the ladder,pulling himself up

The sheriff looked over at him and smiled,fiddling with his fingers as he got closer,Scott sat down behind him and wrapped his arms around the smallers waist

A small jump came from the blonde before calming down,slightly leaning back into the taller and a small content sigh leaving his lips

However he suddenly sat back up and took off his brown jacket,throwing it on the floor before unbuttoning his shirt slightly to reveal his shoulders

Scott's face turned bright red,burying his face into his neck as Jimmy laughed "You've done this countless,petal" he leaned back and ran his hands through the cyan locks

All he got in response was a small huff,signalling that the vampire doesn't care and is now very hungry,making his eyes a glowing red colour

Suddenly all Jimmy felt was fangs digging into his skin,he let out a small yell while slightly pulling on Scott's hair

Slowly letting go,his hand moved down and held the others that were around his waist while also fiddling with the cyanettes fingers m

Sure they had both done this multiple times but the vampire always got embarrassed when they initiate it while the mesa ruler got nervous when he gets slightly undressed

Jimmy moved a hand to cover his face,it was bright red and his body felt hot,he was trying to keep fro making any noises

He felt relief when the fangs disappeared from his neck,glancing down and seeing some blood dripping dripping down his shoulder,thank god his shirt was at his elbows

Scott pulled away and looked down at the blood before licking it,once again moving back and looking at his partner,laughing at his bright red face

The other turned at the sound,slightly glaring at him "Screw you Smajor" he lightly elbowed him before raising his hand to the bite mark

"No thanks,I think the roles should be reversed" he winked at the blonde who just him again before leanings back "Come on sunflower you love me"

A sigh could be heard "I do,can't believe it" they both laughed before settling into a nice peaceful silence,soon falling asleep in each other's arms

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