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I'm sorry I love Joey being Joey in s2 😒🤭
Also finally more flower husbands?? Yeah who's surprised but this is centred around Joe and Katherine 🫶🫶

Katherine sighed as she saw a large boat pull up to the pier,she immediately ran out and clapped with excitement as she saw who it was

"Welcome you three! It's been a while" the princess was surprisingly cheerful as Joe,Scott and Jimmy walked down from the boat

Scott bowed slightly as he passed her,slightly laughing "It has,we've all been busy" she noticed his multicolour eyes glance to the pirate "Joe's been looking for gifts for you"

She turned to face said pirate,who was carrying a crate on his shoulder,his left arm holding it in place as he lightly hit the colourful man

The black haired women took a few second to admire her boyfriend,lately he had been busy so they hardly saw each other.His dirty blonde hair sat just right and shaped his face perfectly as his blue-green eyes shined brightly in the sun,as well as the bright smile on his face

He suddenly turned to the princess "It was supposed to be a surprise but yeah" with that,the taller adjusted the box before grinning "Don't worry,it's not stolen"

The other three laughed before the blackette took the crate from him and started walking,showing them all of the things that have changed as well as all the new residents that had arrived since their last visit

A groan and thud caused her too turn her head to face the others,a scene she never thought she would see was Scott laying on the floor surrounded by toys as Jimmy tried to help him up

Katherine covered her mouth as she tried to hide her laughing however Joe wasn't doing the same,he was laughing extremely loudly while holding his stomach

The sheriff finally got his boyfriend off the ground and lightly hit his head "Very sorry about that Lady Katherine" he tipped his hat before a ringing could be heard "Very sorry but we must be off,we promise to visit more!" With that he grabbed the colourful man before flying off

They watched as they disappeared over the horizon before hearing a sigh from the other and feeling hands wrap around her waist,causing a bright red to creep onto her cheeks

"What's wrong with you,your never this clingy" she ran a hand through the messy hair before realising her mistake "Well you are but usually not like this"

There wasn't a reply so she just sighed and leaned back into the embrace,a content smile on her face.They were a strange set of lovers but that didn't matter to them

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