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Literally HC x Empires
This is so funny
Not really
Uh ranchduo and slight boat boys?
Idk it's a meeting ig

Fwhip was stood up in the middle of the large table,each empire in their respective ears with the hermits just made room as sat,some even sat across from him on the table

"Where is everyone wanting to live?" He asked considering the majority of the hermits had no home besides from Pearl,Gem and False who were sat on their seats except the god who was stood across from the goblin

Some had decided where to live but not all of them and this would simply help so everyone would know however the whispering from Jimmy and Scar often caused them to pause the meeting

"I'm staying with the sheriff!" Scar basically yelled while hugging the blondes neck,causing him to burst out laughing for the umpteenth time that day while speaking

Tango simply glared at the brunette,his tail swishing side to side angrily almost like a warning a cat would give you if you annoyed it too much,he saw from the corner of his eye Joel and Etho trying to contain their laughter while Grian held his stomach and mouth

The white haired male spoke "I'll stay with Joel,I wanna catch up with my soulmate" he said,basically teasing the netherborn who in returned sent him a glare and a fake grin

Jimmy glanced between the two confused before his soon-to-be deputy whispered in his ear cussing him to laugh "Anyone else is welcome by the way,it's not just Scar that can live with me" he said while looking at his soulmate,winking before listening to Fwhip once again

The netherborn turned a bit red,quickly turning away only too see the boat boys making fun of him causing a roll of the eyes however a small smile made its way to his face,atleast he wouldn't be ignored by the canary

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