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Sorry for not posting as much and being late :))
I'm focusing on my ratssmp oneshots and school drains you 😭
Joey and Jimmy?? Yes

Joey grinned as he landed in Tumble Town and adjusted the present in his hands,surprisingly the sheriff had kept turning blind eyes too his crimes

He had a few gifts for the blonde who was stood in the middle of the town,seemingly counting diamonds that he thinks were from the gunpowder farm

The pirate ran towards him,hugging the slightly shorters shoulders which caused him to let out a yelp,almost dropping the diamonds "Joey you scared me!"

A chuckle escaped the tallers as he hid the box,f glancing at the blue shiny gems "You got some more from the farm?" He asked,actually glad they had set up this deal

A small hum escaped the tanners lips as he handed him half "Here,your half as promised" they both smiled as the other accepted the gems

"Thanks Jim,I actually" he pulled the box from behind his back,causing an eyebrow raise "Have a small present for you!"

Jimmy's eyes lit up as he accepted the gift,glancing at the taller for confirmation to open it too which he received a nod of approval making him instantly open it

The box was basically filled to the brim of rare and normal gems,some armour being thrown in which made the sheriffs eyes go wide

"I cant accept this! Joey this is-" he couldn't find the right words to say,looking between the gifts and the other who was still smiling "Sure you can,I don't need it!"

With that he was tackled into a hug,both of them landing on the sand which somewhat broke their fall as the pirate burst out laughing,rubbing the sheriffs back,no one knew he could get this emotional but here they are

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