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Anyway hc that the typical goblin courtship is giving pretty shiny rocks to the other (however Jimmy is dumb and doesn't understand)
(Inspired by the photo above from Google idk who made it)

Jimmy sighed as the other rulers conversed and seemingly flirted,or maybe it was was Scott Smajor being himself

He had found himself dragged into a conversation with the cyan haired man,Sausage,Joel and lastly Fwhip,the said goblin stood beside him

The ginger however wasn't really listening to the conversation as he was staring at the sheriff,his cheeks tinted red while his tail happily swayed side to side

"Are you two listening?" That caused everyone's eyes to glance toward the god who was resting on the shorter brunette,his wings ruffling behind him

The taller rolled his eyes while the shorter turned even more red "We are,calm down you big sausage" the blonde glared at the other before gesturing for the colourful man to continue

So he did,they all continued talking for another minute until Fwhip had tugged on the others sleeve,causing blue and brown eyes to meet as the the green man gestured with his head to an empty corner

The two made their way over and the second they did Jimmy crouched down to be closer to the shorters face "Fwhip,you alright? Is something wrong?" He asked instantly,concern displayed on his face

"I'm fine sheriff just uh-" he quickly reached into his pockets and dug around a few seconds before pulling a collection of small rocks that shined perfectly in the sun and we're just seemingly perfect

He quickly placed them into the sheriffs hand,watching his facial expressions closely as his tail started swaying side to side again

The blonde looked between the rocks and the goblin,seeing the excitement and red tint on his face "Thanks you Fwhip" he placed them into his pockets and a wide grin appeared on his face

Fwhip started slightly jumping up and down before hugging him and running off to talk too Gem and Lizzie while he watched before shaking his head and walking back over to the three they were talking too earlier

"Where'd you two go?" Scott asked,seeing the confusion still on the newcomers face before he pulled out the same rocks he was given "Fwhip gave me these,no idea why"

He watched all three reactions,Scott was trying not to burst out laughing while Sausage and Joel were shocked however the shorter brunette was grinning

"You just-" the ruler of Sanctuary got closer and slightly shook the shorter "You accepted a traditional gobland courtship!" He grinned wider while pulling the sherif closer

Jimmy tilted his head to the side,even more confused "What's a courtship?" That's cause the three to basically shut down for a second or two

Then the three yelled simultaneously "WHAT?!" That caused a few heads to turn their way including Fwhip,who saw as they pushed the sheriff outside

He was actually scared of the three for once,this wasn't what he was expecting for their reaction,Joel took a deep breathe in and then out "How fo you not know what a courtship is?"

The blonde shrugged "Never heard of it,I was never taught it either" he rubbed his neck nervously "explain it too me??"

Sausage groaned "Okay so for animals it's like attracting a mate" he paused before continuing "For us it's kind of like dating but instead of you know,dating,it's skipped right too before marriage?" It came out as more of a question but he had no idea how to explain

It took a few seconds before it finally processed in his mind,causing him to flare a bright red and cover his face while still trying to think about this which caused the others to laugh

Well now he's agreed to marriage without knowing it,it's not like he didn't like Fwhip just that he had never experienced anything like that and want really prepared or used to this

Guess he'll talk to the goblin soon,or Sausage might for him considering he looks like he's abt to burst

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