Trans Jimmy 🫶

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Didn't have an idea for the title but that's basically it
Ftm Sheriff Jimmy and Joel actually helps him bc I want them to be friends plus might make him come out in part 2 🤔🫶
Also be safe ❤️‍🔥

Jimmy stared in the body length mirror,sure it has been eight hours but he could survive a few more with the binder on right?

Just then a huge crash came from outside and the bull ran outside,completely forgetting to put on a shirt or his jacket

Just as he stepped out the door he immediately wanted to back inside,outside was the god Joel,who was wiping some dirt off his white dress(?)

Suddenly the brunette was in fort of the blind with a frown,causing the shorter to be confused "Joel,what can I do for you and what's up with that look?" He asked,slightly tilting his head to the side

Joel rolled his eyes before pointing at his chest "That,sheriff" Jimmy was still confused,looking down before realising what


'Shit shit shit' Jimmy felt panic wash over him,he forgot to put something over it 'He hates me,he thinks I'm a freak,what if-' suddenly he was snapped out his thoughts by the sound of whistling

The god smiled "Zoning out there bud? I'm not mad or upset,you're still the annoying Sheriff that everyone loves" they both laughed for a second before the tallers face became serious

"Now have long have you had it on?" He asked,crossing his arms as the blonde looked at his watch before rubbing his neck "Nine hours now.."

Suddenly he was being pushed back inside and into his room,surprised the god could fit "Change,if you need a baggy shirt I can go get one from Scott"

Jimmy looked up at Joel,tears coming to his eyes before hugging him and letting the tears fall,sobbing into the gods chest

Joel hugged back,rubbing up and down Jimmys back,sure they don't get alone well but they're still friends sometimes and the sheriff has feelings too so of course he would comfort him

They both slowly pulled away "Now go get changed,I'm sure it's bad enough with me knowing without you being ready" the bull hybrid laughed before nodding

He planned to tell the others soon but for now,he was fine with Joel knowing first

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