That time

745 11 4

I love S2 Joey and Katherine now so I want more of them :((
Katherine's on her period and Joey knows so he helps 🫶
I also just have no ideas

As the princess looked at the time,growing as she saw it had only been an hour or two since she started signing papers 

Katherine stood up,she needed out of this room and possibly out these clothes,her small white corset starting to hurt from sitting for ages

Just as she turned around,the doors to the room opened,revealing her pirate boyfriend who was wearing a grin

However it dropped once he saw the scowl on her face,slowly walking over,he wrapped his arms around her waist "What's wrong princess?" funny nickname Joey

The blackette simply sighed before leaning into him and resting her head on his shoulder "I'm stressed that's all" she wasn't completely lying but she also wasn't being fully honest

Joey softly smiled and pulled away now simply rubbing her waist "How about you change and I get some snacks and stuff?" He put his finger up as she went to speak "I'll inform Viviane,don't worry"

With that,the blonde left the room on a hunt for her right hand woman as well as snacks and tea,Katherine laughed to herself before going to her closet and changing into Joe's slightly oversized striped shirt and black shorts

The queen sat on the bed however it wasn't that long before the doors opened,showing Joe and Viviane,the pirate was holding a tray covered in foods she liked and a sweet honey tea that Gem taught them how to make it

Her right hand,Viviane,was drowned in a sea on blankets as well as a hot water bottle to help,the girl was only fourteen however she was very mature, Katherine took her in after finding her on the street so now the rulers were like her parents

The blondish brunette huddled into the bed while the brunette gave them everything in her hands and letting them sort it out themselves as she still had a job to do so she scurried off

After another few minutes the two were cuddled together,covered by blankets and covers and both were satisfied,especially Katherine

She sighed and leaned further back into Joe,sure she knew that the paperwork would pile up and people would slowly get concerned but she can enjoy a day or two with her significant other

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