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Hybrid Jimmy makes a comeback but what's this?? So's Sausage 🤭🤭
Cow Jim and parrot Sausage 🫶
(Flower husbands & wither husbands)

Jimmy raised a brow at his boyfriend who was stood in front of him,holding a small bucket and what seemed to be a brush

"I'm not an actual cow Scott" he rolled his eyes before grabbing the things from the others hands and placed them back in the barn before walking back out

The cyanette pouted while following his significant other "But Jimmy~" a mischievous grin appeared on his face before grabbing the shorter closer "At least let me touch them"

The blonde glared at the taller "That sounds weird" a few seconds went by before he sighed and pulled the cyanette towards the stairs "Fine just don't be aggressive"

With that they both sat down,Scott sat higher up on the stairs while Jimmy sat in front of him and took off his sheriff hat,revealing his cow ears and small horns buried in his hair

They both sat there,the colourful man running his fingers through the sheriffs soft,fluffy hair as he sat there,slowly falling asleep from the calming environment

However that was ruined by the sound of two people that were basically yelling as they approached the two,opening his eyes only to see Sausage and Fwhip

He groaned quietly,only being heard by the other behind him who laughed at the sound before looking up at the two approaching "What can we do for you two?"

The goblin had a wide grin on his face as he ran over,dragging the parrot behind him who was trying to keep up but failing miserably

The brunette shook his head as they finally reached them "Fwhip wanted to visit his precious sheriff" he glanced between them before realising what they were doing,causing a laugh to escape his lips "seems your busy"

His wings ruffled as he felt someone touch them and turned slightly,only to see the ginger softly rubbing them causing him to sigh and open his wings,smacking the shorter in the face quite roughly

A small thud made the three to laugh for an umpteenth time before the king picked up the other ruler,getting ready to fly "We best be off then,we'll annoy you another time"  with that he flew up and off,creating a gust of wind to hit them as well as some sand

The two watched as they disappeared before continuing,after a few more minutes the cow hybrid had finally fallen asleep and was quietly snoring, causing Scott's multicoloured eyes to flicker down and look at the other lovingly

He would have to do this again if it caused the sherif to sleep without problems,maybe sooner then later

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