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Lady Katherine 🫶🫶🫶
I'm so tired omg like this has taken most of the day I need a huge nap after this or a break
This one is shorter I think

Katherine sighed as she finally got a break from running around her empire and talking for an ungodly amount of hours making her voice a little hoarse

She walked out onto her balcony and looked out on her village,taking in the nice cold breeze that had fallen across glimmer grove

However she snapped out of her thoughts as she heard the door open,she quickly turned around and glanced at the door before seeing that it was Pirate Joe

He was holding a tray,on said tray was her favourite snacks and what seemed to be her favourite drink which causers a soft smile to creep onto her face

"I'll be off now princess,I know you need rest and I'd hate to bother you" the blonde quickly put down the tray and walked over to the blackette,kissing her on the cheek for walking off but not before saying goodbye

The princess listened out for any more sounds from drown the hall,turning back towards the outside only to see the sun just dropping over the horizon,making her smile and rush towards her wardrobe

After changing into her monster slaying outfit,she grabbed her sword after deciding that she wanted a break from her axe before heading out

Just as she stepped outside,she saw the sun had basically fully set making her pick up the pace towards quiet an open and unlit area which was perfect for mob spawning on her opinion

She stabbed her sword into the ground before tying her hair up then picking her weapon back up once again and getting ready,mobs spawned fast,and depending on what they are,moved fast too

Katherine heard a hiss from behind,causing her to quickly spin and stab the creeper directly in the head,picking up the gunpowder that fell,a grin appearing on her face as she heard more spawn

She righted her grip on the sword before spinning around,this was going to be fun.

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