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Festival homeboys LL
what if the festival was fine
Jk this is the s2 festival
Tricked ya L

Oli grinned as he watched everyone having fun,he was glad,sure this festival was an excuse to get diamonds and pay off his debt but that's didn't matter

The entire group had played multiple games and bought lots of things from each other,as well as kill the sheriff multiple times but that also didn't matter

Now they were onto the final thing,a death pit

The two in there at the moment were Joey and Shubble,both fighting for the love of princess Katherine who was stood there looking very uncomfortable

It was chaos,or it seemed to be,the great witch was on fire while the pirate was on the verge of death and it caused a sense of deja vu to run through him as he remembered about their previous life

All of them having a certain amount of lives and changing each time they die,different abilities and usually different friends

The two that seemed to never fall apart thought that chaos however were Jimmy and Scott,that was until the blonde turned too a dragon while the cyanette was a blood thirsty vampire

Glancing down at the two,he saw them standing close together as they cheered on the fight however Fwhip and Jimmy were yelling at each other occasionally too

Just on time,the goblin shouted over the noise "Sheriff shouldn't you be stopping this?!" He asked,hands cupped over his mouth to try and be louder "Yeah but..I'm enjoying this" the sheriff responded

And then the cheering increased,the only ones quiet were him and Katherine who was looking like she wanted to cry as the battle finished,Joey exploding as Shubble cheered for herself

He watched as she went into the pit and yelled at both of them once the dirty blonde had retired,he watched as they all gathered around his stage and he watched as they all left after receiving a note from the weird purple rift

It was like before,watching as all your friends leave time and time again without them caring,he could hear Pearls laughter from the heavens before it started pouring rain

Maybe the festival was a mistake.

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