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Jimmy and Joel cannonicly made a kid together...
'Toms' based of/is Aphrodite like Hermes is based of/is Hermes
(Aka I've made Tom trans and called him Aphrodite)

Hermes looked down from upper Stratos into the lower part while the wind was quite aggressively blowing onto his face which caused his hair to be all messed up

The sound of rockets had made its way too his ears before looking up into the sky only too see the sheriff flying over head before landing with a kid roughly his age resting on his hip

A small smile made its way to the shorter blondes face as he made eye contact with the dark skinned kid before looking at the taller blonde while tilting his head seemingly confused

"Hey Hermes,where's your dad?" He asked while looking around before thumps could be heard as the large 11ft god came out of a random room just to the side of them before smiling at the sight of the three

He quickly crossed down to be just over 6'3 so he could still be taller than Jimmy but so there wasn't that much of a difference "I assume you need me too watch her?" the brunette asked despite knowing the answer

Three quick nods followed as the sheriff placed down the small Demi-god on the white floor which caused the kids dress to reach the floor as it covered her feet

"I know I'm sorry it's just a lot of crimes been happening and I can't risk her life" Jimmy rambled before being shushed by the god who simply sighed before smiling softly "It's fine,gives these two a chance too need"

As he said that,the two looked down at the kids only too see Athena standing somewhat awkwardly as Hermes ran around her as the wings on his ears happily flapped with the ones on his shoes doing the same only too speed him up

The blonde chuckled before walking over and kissing Athena's head "Be good for your dad okay? I'll pick you up tomorrow" with that he quickly hugged both Joel and Hermes before flying off back to Tumble Town

"Hermes,why not tour her around the empire? I trust you not too get into any trouble" he ruffled the kids hair before flying off too lower Startos's church while the kids watch

After a few minutes the taller of the two turned around to the dirty blonde with a bored expression "There's not much around here,the most interesting thing is the swans a-" he was cut off by a tackle

There were flower petals falling around them as the shorter gripped onto the brunettes toga while staring at him "Take me too them" with that she let go and held out a hand

Slowly grinning,Hermes took the females hand before running off towards the small pond that his father had built and in it consisted of the two swans and a few ducks

The two made their way there with the wind blowing them however it seemed more calming then before,all anyone could hear was the pitter patter of two kids bare feet as the ran around the entire day

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