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(Season 2) Jim and Fwhip in a dress while Katherine and Gem hype them up 🫶
Scott and Sausage walk in and that's like it
What I like them in dresses :(

The two princesses sat outside giggling,Joe behind them however he wasn't paying any mind to what the four were doing

Jimmy and Fwhip had left a few minutes ago to change into the dresses the two had given them but they hadn't said anything in a while

"Gem can you help me?" A blonde head of hair stuck his head out,clearly embarrassed to ask his sister for assistance to get into an outfit,Gem rolled her eyes "Yeah one sec!" She stood up and dusted her light pink dress before heading into his room

The other ginger was the first to come out,surprised the dress actually fit,the dress was short at the front and longer at the back,the top half in a heart shape so it was showing off his chest,he had gloves and necklace that fit,all being a dark red with some hints of blue

Next was the taller ginger,she took her seat back to the black haired women,soon following out was the sheriff who had a dress that was the same length all the way around,sleeves that just missing the shoulders but covering everything else,the top half having two straps that crossed over,the dress was a brown with gold highlights

Gem and Katherine got the two into heels and laughed at them,the goblin being overly confident and immediately mastering it while the other struggled and needed assistance

They all turned at the sound of a bell and voices,the princess of glittergrove forcing her partner,who just started listening now,to hide Jimmy and Fwhip

The princess of Dawn quickly opened the door and moved out the way,letting Scott and Sausage im before shutting the door grinning "How can we help you two?" She asked,trying to hide the faint voices of the other three

"We're looking for Jim and Fwhip,have you seen them?" The dark brunette asked while his friend looked around,they both had not been to Dawn or atleast hadn't been over in a while and liked the process

Katherine walked back over and smiled nervously before responding,however gettkng cut off by someone yelling "FWHIP WATCH MY FOOT"

The four quickly turned towards the yelling,the cyanette turning towards the two females before running off in the direction he heard them,the other three following behind

As they got round the corne,they saw the pirate trying hold the sheriff steady as he was trying to dodge his deputy trying to stand on his feet

Gem and Katherine burst out in laughter before helping out,the butterfly hybrid taking Fwhip and handing him to his boyfriend while the sheep did the same but with the bull

The goblin grinned before snapping his fingers infront of his partners face,causing him to snap back to reality "Sausage,what do you think?" Fwhip did a little twirl and laughed

Sausage's face was bright red as he glanced away,trying not to look at the shorters face "Y-yeah you look" he coughed nervously and looked back at him "you look great"

They turned around at the sound of a snort,seeing the cyanette on the brink of laughter with his hand around the blonde,who was also trying not to laugh but was bright red

Fwhip rolled his eyes before stretching,his goblin tail swaying slightly "Better get changed now,we have some things to do" he lightly elbowed the brunette before walking off to the room he changed in

Sausage watched before shaking his head and glaring at his friends,pushing Jimmy away so he could also change "I hate you Smajor"

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