Broken hat

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Jimmys new video 😭🫶
Season 2 flower husbands
My new fav esmp group shut uo 💔😡😡😡
Writing this like past midnight at the day 💪💪 - just past midnight Seth
Now it's finished at school

Scott,Shubble and Pixl all landed on the large bridge almost peacefully walking across until they saw four other rulers and could hear them

So they got closer,only to see Jimmy standing in the middle looking almost depressed while Joel hugged him from behind and saying something along the lines of being friends and thinking happy thoughts

Katherine seemed to be extremely panicked,as was Sausage however the monster fighter was seemingly begging the sheriff for forgiveness while the brunette was trying to make an anvil

The three look at each other before getting closer "What's going on here?" shouted Pixl as they got closer,everyone looking over "Katherine broke Jim's hat!" said the king of the sanctuary while checking his shulker boxes

Shubble laughed slightly,receiving a glare from her girlfriend and the god,who's wings wrapped around the sheriff even more like he's protecting him

"Yeah,we're sorry Sheriff,promise we'll get it fixed" the god ruffled the blonde hair,the owner of said locks just sighing and not bothering to fix it "This is why I made it a law to not take hats"

Just as he said that he felt something on his head,reaching up the shorter found out it was the colourfuls mans fedora.He looked back at the cyanette who just had a wide grin

He moved both hands to his hips before speaking "I know how you get when you don't have your hat,use mine for now" the taller slightly grinned before nodding to Joel,who let the shorter go

Almost immediately Jimmy ran into Scott's arms for a hug,embracing each other as the fedora tilted up,pushing the cyanettes chin up slightly causing them both to laugh

The rest watched before chatting away,still trying to find someway to make the sheriffs hat again or atleast trying to see if they could find a new one

Both pulled away,wide grins and rosy cheeks on their faces,Scott pulled Jimmy close again and kissed him

Shubble turned around to ask a question and saw the scene,she burst out laughing before facing the others again while pulling out her wand

All of them continued doing what they were however all left their separate ways when it reached nighttime,they planned on staying but the Sheriff was concerned for their safety

Said blonde sighed "God it's gonna be a long trip back" suddenly he felt himself get picked up,a small yelp coming out his mouth "I forget how strong you are"

The colourful man laughed,his multicoloured eyes landing on brown "Tumble Town is far away,we're going back to Chromia!" With that he turned and stood next to Joel before they all flew off.He was holding the shorter close while he used one hand to keep the hat on

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