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S1 Jimmy has sharp teeth and bites things/people
He bites Scott and then they have dinner with Jizzie
Implied NSFW??

Now this is a funny predicament.

Sure Jimmy took pride in his teeth but he also didn't like them,they could hurt if he bit too hard however Scott was the opposite,he absolutely adored Jimmys teeth and never cared if it hurt

That's probably how they ended up here,Scott leaning against the headboard of the spare bed in Joel's empire,reading a book as Jimmy straddled him,biting his neck softly

His neck was clearly covered in bite marks,some had light bits of blood around them,the elf moved one hand from the book after flipping a page and running his fingers through the others hair

The cod pulled away,licking his teeth with his younger before grinning,his tail wagging almost like a dog would do when its happy

Scott smiled back before the blonde leaned in,kissing his husband on the lips,the cyanette closed his eyes aswel as the book,putting it down on the bedside table,then grabbing his collar and pulling him closer

However a knock at the door made the two stopped,the shorter was a bright red and followed the taller as he walked towards the door

Before opening it up though,Scott reached over and rubbed Jimmy's gills,making him instantly calm down and lean into his partner who simply smiled before putting on a straight face and opening the door

He was met with a short blonde,shorter than Jimmy and wore a panda hat,the boy was known as Oli and was almost like Jimmy except the kid could be heard singing regularly

Scott's face softened and he smiled "Hello Oli,how can I help you?" he asked,the shorter pulled out a sheet of paper "King Joel and Queen Lizzie were wondering if you would join them for dinner in ten minutes" he stated,smiling as he read of the paper

The king turned to his husband who simply nodded,signalling that he wants to go so he turned back around,hearing the other leave to get read "We'll be there"

The panda boy nodded before smirking "You also might wanna try to hide your neck" he said before skipping away,seemingly to tell the other two they would be at dinner soon

The door slammed shut and the elf's wings fluttered,clearly embarrassed and as he turned around he saw Jimmy already ready

Soon enough the two were sat at the dinner table,all four talking about anything until Lizzie noticed the marks on his neck

"Scott,are you okay?" Everyone looked towards the pinkette,Joel was confused as was Scott but Jimmy knew exactly what she was on about

The elf's wings fluttered once again before answering "What are you saying? I'm fine Lizzie" with that the axolotl stood up and lifted his chin,showing off the marks

Joel immediately put his drink down,almost spitting it out and covering his mouth before glancing between his in-laws and realising where they came from

The brunette finally let out his laugh,making it so he now had everyone's attention,Jimmy being the first to know what he's laughing at and immediately stood up,bright red and gills flapping

Both their partners stood confused before finally getting it at the same time

Joel was the first to say anything "Right before dinner too!" He walked over and wrapped his arms around his shoulders "Cannot believe you gave him literal hickies"

Jimmy lightly punched the shorter "Stop it! You know how I get when I need to bite something" he said while gesturing to his teeth

His husband had a mischievous smirk on his face and leaned forward on the table "You can't say that and pretend you weren't enjoying yourself much more than me"

Everyone laughed as the cod stormed off,Scott apologising before chasing after him,still chuckling as he walked into their room

Thank god it wasn't as awkward as he thought it would be

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