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Another Oli fic?? I love him so much he's my scrunkly 🫶
Also HC Olis a bit like c!Techno,his chat are like voices so he can hear them also he's the only one that remembers afterlife

Oli sighed for the umpteenth in the past however long it's been,he had been slowly losing track of the days for a long time now and was seemingly going insane

The only people he talked too were the small goblin man that fed him and also trapped him here,as well as the voices in his brain that rambled so much and asked far too many questions

Of course he had seen many other people enter the cave however none seemed to see him but that's fine,he's used to the cage by now

No he wasn't,why bother lying? He missed everyone,missed AfterLife,some people are here on Empires however they didn't remember him at all and the rest of them had just disappeared

He wanted his old life back,maybe all the way back to crazy craft would be great

Oli cant blame Pearl now,he's the one that jumped off the cloud and all because of that stupid move he ended up here

His home was gone as far as he knew,the only thing he has to his name was this stupid ender dragon egg
that cant do anything

He groaned as the voices started up again,sometimes he would just sit there as they chatted to each other

Other times he would sing as many songs as he could before his voice disappeared or became hoarse and that would lead to him being quiet

By now the goblin probably assumed he was insane but that's okay,atleast he still talked to him

He pulled out the dragon egg and stared at it,sometimes he wished he didn't kill that fucking dragon.

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