'Diss' Track

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I rewatched the diss track video and went "yes an idea" so here
God I love my diss track trio
Season 1

Jimmy smiled as he watched his frienemy and brother in law figure out a plan to kill the king of Rivendell,of course he didn't tell him but the ruler isn't stupid like some others

They agreed to do this after Joel made a 'diss' track and asked the ginger if he wanted to kill Scott,of course the blonde had an alliance with him so they agreed he would watch

He continued to drink the hot chocolate given to him by Lauren,who was sat beside the blonde,also watching the fiasco of the two

"Wrong window boys!" She shouted,laughing as they scurried to the next window before turning slightly "We have the entire elf family back today"

The cod raised a brow and glanced at her "Scott and Xornoth are both back?" The reason they picked today was because they all thought it was the last day before they came back,it was infact meant to be

She giggled quietly,a fan covering her mouth and holding up a finger "And Joey" she added,watching the swamp kings face go wide

He immediately stood up and turned towards Joel and Fwhip,who he just realised he couldn't hear anymore so before running off,he grabbed Lauren

As the two rounded the corner they could hear slight yelling and looked at each other panicked,the blackette peeked her head round

They both could see two angry elves and an amused parrot,all who's wings were puffed up or fluttering for different reasons

Xornoths,the old demon,was standing beside his boyfriend,Joey with his wings wrapped around him to act as a shield

The parrot hybrids wings werent as puffed but still were,the multicoloured wings resting peacefully behind him

Lastly was Scott,the cyanette had the rune blade sword pointed to both rulers,ice spikes keeping them down and being the only reason they hadn't ran,his white wings were extended to the sides fully as an act of intimidation

Jimmy quickly ran infront of them,pulling out his own sword and hitting the tallers away,causing almost everyone to left out a gasp

The elf simply smiled before going to pick up his weapon and turning back around "Very good codfather" that caused the cod to be confused

"What?" He asked,seathing his sword once again and helping Joel and Fwhip up,both who continue to hide behind the blonde

Lauren grinned too before walking to stand beside her king,her own wings opening up slightly "Really?" She poked the others chest "You knew he would defend his allies why bother seeing it?"

The rest of the group looked at the blonde who was now standing straight with his tail swaying side to side,his brown gills wiggling with a wide smile on his face

Xornoth laughed,his wings moving themselves back behind his back "Somewhat of an elven tradition,he also heard Jimmy tell Lizzie about the 'assassination'" he used finger quotes

The short brunette lightly hit his brother in law,a playful glare on his face as the taller laughed "I didnt know he was there!!" Jimmy rubbed his neck nervously

Suddenly he was pulled away and felt hand around his waist,a head on his shoulder "You did,I walked out and asked Lizzie for some prismarine" Scott said with a small smirk on his face

A clap made everyone look over,seeing Joey bouncing on his heels "Now why don't we all go inside,its very chilly and I had some soup to make!" with that he walked passed everyone,the past demon following behind

Then it was Lauren dragging Joel's and Fwhip,both who were obviously coming up with another 'evil' scheme

Soon after it was Jimmy and Scott,they were stood outside for linger however the elf decided they should go in after the cod shivered

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