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I have another idea but here's the first 🫶🫶
Fwhip dumps Hermes off at Jimmys bc everyone is busy and he trusts him
Scott comes over with dye
Coyote Jim 🫶

Jimmy stared down at Fwhip and Hermes,the goblin holding the six year old on his hip with a nervous grin on his face

The blondes tail wagged swiftly,side to side as he raised a brow,confused why on earth his deputy arrived at his door at 7am,already exhausted and holding the child of his enemy

"I'm sorry for springing this on you but I really need you to watch Hermes,everyone's busy and I can't make it to Chromia in time and-" he was cut off as the sheriff picked up his son and mimicked his move,placing him on his hip

He smiled down at the other "I'll take care of him,do whatever you need to do and get some rest" his ears flickered slightly as he felt someone breath on them "I know you goblins don't wake up this early so off you pop"

The ginger smiled slightly before hopping into Snort and scurrying away,shouting a small 'thank you!'

Jimmy sighed and shut the door before putting Hermes down on a chest,his cat,Norman,cuddled up to him

"Uncle Jim,there's someone outside" The blonde said,petting the cat and playing with the purple strand on his hair as he looked at the cyanette standing at the door

The coyote turned around,facing none other then the leader of Chromia who was holding the rainbow in dyes,his main export

Scott smiled and ruffled the kids hair before turning to his boyfriend,picking the pink dye and slightly throwing it up and down

The small Cuban kid reached for the purple and happily for it,putting it the bag that Sausage made him for when he's gone

"Got some new dye to test out and it seems it's gone from your tail" he said with an innocent grin and tone,reaching an eye roll

However the sheriff left for a minute then came back in a white shirt that had some splotches of colour at the bottom and with multiple bowls,seemingly for the colours

His partner sat down and put on gloves "I also have some extra so is it alright if I dye your ears too?" He asked while pouring out the dye and freshening up the strip of purple in Hermes's hair

The sheriff simply nodded and got comfortable,which happened surprisingly fast as the small child helped keep him entertained as the other ruler dyed his ears and tail

After 30 to 45 minutes they got Jimmy in shower,rinsed his hair as well as for shampoo in it

Now it had been hours,the three were sat outside as they waited for Joel to come pick up his son,who was sleeping in the blondes lap

Jimmys ears were the start of the rainbow like red,orange,yellow and green while his tail continued the rainbow as well as light gray and gray,next time it would be brown,black and white

He didn't know what he expected but he wasn't too upset,it's nice to have a pop of colour to contrast his brown clothes

Maybe he should do something about that but for now,he's tired and needs rest so he leaned against Scott's shoulders and slowly slept

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