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Sorry again,I just lost motivation for this 😭😭
I'll probably take a bit of a break on this book at then end of the month bc img
S1 Jimm

Jimmy smiled as he places the heavy crown on his head but surprisingly it felt right

Yes he may of had to fight his fellow rulers for it but it was worth it for him to be the emperor,it felt like he deserved that role much more then anyone

The cod grinned as he walked outside,all the other residents looked at him in awe but he didn't feel anymore important than them and still wanted to be treated normally

However it was different for the other rules,he felt above them,almost like he was a god,he was a Demi god but the others didn't know so they didn't treat him as one except for Lizzie but she was an exception

He looked surprisingly elegant even if the only thing that had changed was that he had the emperors crown,everyone seemed to think he had been swapped with the Rivendell king

Speaking of the elf,he was impressed that his past husband could make such an impression,he knows almost everything about the blonde but the fact that he could be fancy? That's out of the ordinary

But he felt off about it,he missed when Jimmy would run over and cover them both in dirt even if he hated getting dirty,now the blonde walks over,kisses his cheek and then stands there,only a small smile om his face

So Scott knew what he had to do.

He would unfortunately have to kill his husband.

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