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Tango and Fwhip 🤗
Our sheriffs soulmate finds out abt the collection of plushies
I like protective tango okay
Stalkerish Fwhip??

Tango smiled as he looked around the small hut,he had to crouch down slightly as it was made for goblins however it was adjusted for the other members of the server

The house was nicely decorated with little details almost everywhere but there was once thing that caught his eye and it was a small plush of his soulmate that looked an awful lot like a baby

He slowly picked it up,a look of confusion on his face as he examined it closer before hearing a small cough making the netherborn turn around only to see the goblin king who had a small smile on his face

"That's a plushie made by Joel called the sheriff" he laughed loudly before continuing "I think you can tell who's it's based off of" Fwhip pushed himself up so he was now sitting on the wood beside the blue haired boy

The taller's tail swished side to side as he started at the plush,a red tint on his cheeks as a small smile made its way to his face before hugging it closer causing the large tail to start swaying more

Fwhip smiled slightly at the other "Keep it if you want,I have lots more" he watched as the other swivelled around to see him making the shorter burst out laughing once again,hoping off the small counter and signalling for the other to follow

They walked towards the secret room which was filled with the toys of the sheriff as well as a book in the middle,the netherborn tensed up slightly before looking at the other who had an insane smile on his face,happily walking up to the book and re-reading it

Tango glared at the goblin,a few flames coming out of him via his hair and tail "Fwhip." The shorter turned around with a wide grin,humming slightly "If you do anything to hurt my soulmate and canary I swear to god" a low growl came out from the netherborn

"I won't do anything as long as you don't tell him about this room" the shorter responded with a shrug before leaving,not bothering to force the other out first as he started at the weird collection of toys,he would tell Jimmy but he would make sure it wasn't known he told him

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