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I'm going insane why did I do this
S2 Gem and her non existence mother 🤭🤭
Sorry but yeah younger gem 🫶
(No Oli and Jimmy for this)

Gem woke up to the sound of knocking,slightly muffled as it was outside her room,she sat up and rubbed her eyes before getting up

She walked towards the large oak door,trying tho flatten her curly hair before opening the door which revealed one of her mothers maids

"Princess,you're mother requires you almost immediately" the women bowed before running off down the incredibly long hall,letting the princess shut the door

The ginger turned around and sighed before heading towards her walk in closet to decide what she wanted to wear,which happened to be her usual pink dress and soon walking out to deal with her hair which she just decided to straighten it just a bit and tie most of it in a braid at the back while leaving some hair at the front

She checked the time before quickly getting up and almost running through the hall,the back of the dress slightly dragging behind her

The doors to the throne room opened easily,revealing her mother sat on the main throne with a smile on her face "Just in time sweetheart!" with that the queen signalled for her to come closer

As Gem reached her mother,she was picked up and placed on her knees "You see all of this?" The older asked,making her daughter look around before nodding "This will be yours,this and the rest of the kingdom one day"

The thing is,Gem already knew that however she didn't know it would be happening faster then expected,the queen had fallen ill and was slowly getting sicker

She nodded once again before getting put down and smiling widely "Off you go,you have some more preparing to do" she shooed off the princess,who followed one of the many other maidens outside

The day simply consisted of practicing her writing and spelling,as well as her posture and many other things before she could rest

The ginger sighed for the umpteenth time that day while walking towards the balcony and leaning on the railing,looking down towards the residents of the village

If only she could go down,she could but only when accompanied by guards,she wants to be free and add her own flare to the kingdom however she would have to wait until she was finally queen or until her mother passed

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