The princess and the pirate

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I haven't wrote anything abt them :((
I also haven't watched their povs but it's always ooc anyway
Katherine's boring a meeting but Joey won't leave her side (like a dog)

Katherine stood infront of the mirror,adjusting her crown and dusting off her dress before hearing a knock at her door,she sighed knowing exactly who it was

"Come in!" She shouted,hoping the person heated and he did,the person that entered was none other then Pirate Joey (who preferred Joe but she didn't understand why)

The pirate stood at the door grinning,the blackette turned around and faced him "Is everyone here then Joe?" a nod was all she received

With that,they both exited the room and headed towards the meeting hall,one looking extremely elegant and the other slightly bouncing behind her,if he had a tail it would be wagging

The rest of the rulers sat in their respective seats,chatting to the person next to them as they waited for the other two

The only free seats were Katherine's which was in the middle at the end and Joe's who had the seat beside her on the right

Soon enough everyone quited down as the doors swung open and in walked the two they were waiting for,Katherine took her seat however Joe stood right next to her

Scott and Sausage were the first to laugh,some people following after causing the queens face to go red as she faced the pirate

She smiled softly "You can sit down in your seat Joe" however the pirate shook his head,still not talking as the others face went into a frown

The queen of glittergrove sighed again,looking at everyone else apologetically before turning back around slightly

He simply grinned "I like being near you,it makes me happy and feel comforted" Joe's hands went infront of him as he began fiddling with his fingers

Everyone laughed again,she took this chance to softly pull the pirate to her level "If you sit down you can stay here the night alright?"

He perked up and nodded "Of course,Lady Katherine" the pirate instantly sat down and the meeting began once they regained their breath

Atleast she got him too somewhat calm down for a while,now she has to keep a promise

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