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Scott gets a pet cat (Norman) even tho Jim's a fish
Also no shut up Jimmy dIdnT have Norman before >:((
After scotts ending

Scot grinned he got closer to his house,his brother had disappeared off to Joeys rebuilt hidden empire so he could finally spend some time with his husband

His husband was Jimmy Solidarity,the king of the swamp empire that was getting rebuilt after all the destruction and corruption that had happened

Jimmy always said he wanted a cat but was too scared to get one as he was a cod hybrid so he's wanted to surprise him,of course if the cat DID try to attack the cod he would separate them

As the elf got closer to the door,he heard some singing and music,that usually meant the other was cooking which he was surprisingly good at

The door slightly creaked but it couldn't be heard from the noises already which made a sigh of relief come out as his mouth before sneaking upstairs and hiding the box,that obviously had holes so the cat could breath,in a room he knows Jimmy never goes in

However the cod knew he was home but didn't say anything as he just continued cooking,dancing and singing along to whatever song came on until he felt arms wrap around his waist

He turned down the music before turning around and kissing the taller on the cheek before continuing "You done for a today?" A small hum and nod was all he got in return

An hour or two passed before all the food was done and the two were now cuddled on the couch before the cyanette sat up,causing the blonde too panic and start to tear up

"No Jim I'm sorry- I have a surprise for you!" And simply with that did the shorter jump up and follow the other up the stairs and into the 'secret' room with the present

He was lightly shoved towards the box "Go on!" It took a few more seconds before the present was opened,a small feline jumping up and out

It was quiet for a while before the cod picked up the cat happily and spun around of course while being safe to not hurt the cat

"Is he ours?" Another nod was all he needed for grinning ear to ear like an idiot "What do you want to name him?" Scott asked,a soft smile on his face

"Norman,let's call him Norman"

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