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he threatens the wither rose alliance (more specifically Sausage) minus Pearl bc what they said abt Scott 🫶🫶
Im sorry for the amount of Jimmy oneshots

Jimmy watched as the wither rose alliance flew down and landed a few steps infront of them,all three trying not to get dirt on themselves

He heard a quiet chuckle from the elf beside him which caused him to turn a light red "Scott don't laugh" the cyanette simply tried to cover his mouth with a nod

Soon the other three made their way over,Sausage in the middle and slightly infront with a grin on his face while Gem stood at his right,glaring at the other ginger who only glared back from his spot of the brunettes left

A cough came from said brunette as he looked down at the cod hybrid,who in return glared back while his tail angrily waved back and forth "How may we help codfather?"

"Heard from a little bird that you guys" he mainly glanced between the two kings while the wizard and elf watched from the side "Were spreading some rumours about my husband" a low growl erupted from his throat

The two mentioned looked at each other,it was mainly Fwhip who had been talking badly about the elf to others while he just happened to always be there however,they wanted to test the cods limits

The ruler of Mythland looked back at him "Well it was bound to happen with his unstable magic" the engineer stated it as somewhat of a fact "He froze his empire and hurt Gem after all" the taller added

Said wizard and elf glanced at each other,both having nervous smiles on their faces while the codfather looked like was about to explode

He took a few step a forward before pulling Sausage closer by his collar,causing everyone to be shocked "Listen here,if I hear a single word thaf you've been talking about Scott badly I will rip your head off or j will kill thw people you care about most" he snarled at the king infront of him "Understand me?"

A quick nod was all he needed before letting go and smiling "Great! Off you three go then,also Fwhip that goes for you too" the wither rose alliance shared a look of concern before flying off

Footsteps snapped him out of his trance and he turned around before hugging the elf,who's wings wrapped around him in return "Those life games taught you something huh?" A small hum was returned

They continued standing there,embracing each other infront of the cods little hut while the other residents walked past occasionally however not disturbing the two

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