Escape plan

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Summary: Fwhip's trying to escape an angry Jimmy and goes to Sausage to hide
Request by @Lydia2189


'Fuck,fuck,fuck' Fwhip was running as fast as his legs could go,he had took a few things from Jimmy and didn't expect the cod to get back so soon

His legs were burning,sure he ran a lot but Jimmy was surprisingly fast for someone who didn't run and instead swan everywhere

Soon enough Mythland came into his view,looking back he saw Jimmy hot on his trail so he made a quick decision,pulled out an ender pearl and pearled
to the nearest entrance he could

"Please be close" he muttered the second he let go and his prayers came true,he was right infront of his boyfriend

Sausage,who was just on a peaceful walk, smiled at Fwhip as he was used to this,the shorter did this all the time

However Sausage saw the panicked looked on his face and got closer,hugging the boy "Hey what's up? Why do you look exhausted?" he asked,worry evident in his tone

Fwhip ran around him,standing behind while trying to catch a breathe "Nothing,nothing just" a sigh "Jimmys after me"

Right on que,Jimmy ran round the corner,clearly still angry and not about to calm down soon

The boy in the middle sighed and glared at his boyfriend,signalling for him to be quiet before speaking "Hello CodFather! How may I be of assistance?" He grinned,hoping the blonde would calm down

Jimmy glanced at Fwhip who wasn't very well hidden before looking back at Sausage "Tell your goddamn boyfriend to give me my stuff back" a low growl cam from the cod,clearly not wanting to stay in his boyfriends enemies empire for long

Sausage sighed "Listen Jimmy,I'll replace everything he took and even add some more things like diamonds yeah?" His smile slowly dropped to a serious face "It's that or I get Scott here and I'm sure none of us want that!"

After a few seconds Jimmy grumbled and left,all three knowing that he was heading to Rivendell to complain

The taller turned around,a small glare on his face "Fwhip we're talked about this,stop stealing" he picked him up,heading into the direction of his house

The ginger let out a loud laugh,knowing fully well that he wasn't gonna stop and that Sausage was gonna have to put up with this more

But they both know that that's one of the many things that he loves about him

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