Childhood friends

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With my mother a happy birthday bc it's hers bday soon /j😡
Grian and Jimmy father and son hc again
YHS Taurtis and Grian homosexuals real I was the school (empires s2) ((also if Grian and Taurtis are uncomfortable with shipping and I'll change this)

Jimmy grinned as her heard laughter through the door,signalling his son and his 'friend' were home from school

The blonde listend to the footsteps heading towards the kitchen,which is where he was "Hey dad,hope you don't mind T's over" Grian popped his head in,knowing his dad won't mind but still being polite

Laughter followed,the sheriff always forgets that he calls Taurtis,T sometimes "I don't mind but keep in mind Scott's coming over again" he slightly fawned causing a fake puking noise to come out

Both kids laughed,the parrots face going a bit red as his wings slightly puffed up before grabbing the tallers hand and running up to his room

Jimmy sighed as he watched, they were both healing from dealing with so many things,the sheriff had heard about all the stuff that happened at their old highschool and instantly got them out of there

He convinced Gem to make a school and explained why,the ginger had almost instantly agreed and was teaching them everything she could,as well as others to help and other students

Most empires knew about it and were patience with the kids,they give the two space if they need it and occasionally remind them that they're here if they need them

He was knocked out his thoughts when there was a knock at the door,sighing and putting down all the stuff in his hands before walking out before seeing Grian and Taurtis already there with the door wide open,revealing his boyfriend

"Dads in the kitchen and should be out soon" Grian started,turning around to check before smiling and side eyeing Scott "Or now" with that he moved back and let the cyanette in

Scott chuckled,spinning around the bouquet of poppies in his hands with nothing falling out Brote nudging the two "Run along then lovebirds"

Both kids turned bright red,Grian stuttering and trying to come up with a response but clearly failing,his wings once again puffed up and fluttering  while Taurtis covered his face,the red almost complementing his darker skin,he was trying to calm the other down

After a few more seconds the shorter just buffs and drags him away,the other laughing at how embarrassed he was

The adults watched before looking at each other,both having wide grins on their faces "Missed you sunflower" the colourful man said as he got closer and kissed his cheek,putting the flowers on the table

"Missed you two,it had been a week" Jimmy stated as he wrapped his arms around the tallers neck,pulling him down slightly

Kissing his cheek again before speaking "Your son is as oblivious as you" he said while taking off his fedora

The blonde had an offended look on his face,pulling away and crossing his arms "I was not oblivious! I knew you had a crush on me in high school" that caused the other to burst out laughing

It continued like that for a while,the two going back and forth about high school before realising that they were exactly like the kids,making them realise how long it will probably take them to realise

Guess they better speed up the process right?

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