Chapter 2

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick time travel]" Chapter 2 Black heart lotus evolves into white moonlight (2)
Although Fang Lian said so, Ming Yun still didn't dare to neglect him too much, took him to the pre-arranged residence, briefly explained the living time, daily activities and other matters of the outer disciples, and then left.

 All the disciples had already looked through the autumn water, and when they saw Ming Yun coming back, they immediately surrounded him and asked about the situation with one tongue. Ming Yun thought for a while, and said: "Fang Lian is indeed a difficult person to get along with, but with his proud temperament, he probably doesn't bother to trouble us all the time, so you don't have to worry too much. But remember, you all Don't take the initiative to provoke him, it's the best result that we can live in peace with him."

 Everyone nodded like chickens pecking at rice, and then dispersed.

 Xiao Rui is the youngest among the outer disciples, but also the most diligent one. He gets up early every day and uses the time before work to practice his sword.

 It just snowed last night, the sky was still foggy at dawn, and it was very cold. Many disciples couldn't help but want to sleep under the covers, but Xiao Rui still gritted her teeth and got out of bed.

 When approaching the courtyard, I heard a faint "rustling" sound coming from inside. While wondering who got up earlier than herself, Xiao Rui walked in and found someone sweeping snow.

 The man held the broom in both hands, and swept the snow slowly, not like doing rough work, but with a kind of indescribable freehand brushwork. Xiao Rui was stunned for a moment, but it took a long time to recognize who this person was.

 Isn't it the "Black Heart Lotus" that everyone avoids!

 When he was in a daze, the other party had already spotted him, and there was no expression on his face, but inexplicably someone read out the meaning of "Who are you, and you haven't reported your name yet".

 Xiao Rui was shocked, and hurriedly stammered back: "I, my name is Xiao Rui, and I come here to practice swords."

 Xu Xi didn't speak, and continued to sweep his floor. Seeing that he didn't seem to want to drive her away, Xiao Rui walked into the yard cautiously and took out a wooden sword in the corner.

 Outer disciples are not qualified to wear swords, they all cut wooden swords by themselves.

 Xiao Rui is a martial idiot, and soon after dancing every move and style, she was completely immersed in it, and even forgot that there was a terrible black-hearted brother around her. It wasn't until the end of the dance that he realized that the other party was actually looking at him, and suddenly felt his cheeks were hot, and his whole body was cooked into a shrimp.

 "You just used the 'Jiuxiao' sword technique. Who taught it?"

 Xiao Rui stammered nervously: "No... no one taught me, I went to listen and learned it by myself."

 Xu Xi frowned, looking The look of "rotten wood can't be carved" disgusted: "Basic skills are barely passable, but the sword moves only have the shape, not the meaning. The sword used in this way can cut vegetables and melons. Repel the enemy? Just dream.

 " It was the first time for Rui to experience the sarcasm of this black heart lotus, her whole face was flushed, and she was so sad that she almost burst into tears.

 Xu Xi paused for a moment, but then said: "Although the talent is poor, but at least she is diligent, and there is still hope. Do you want me to teach you?"

 Xiao Rui opened her eyes wide and suspected that she had heard it wrong.

 You must know that although these outer disciples always hope to be accepted as apprentices by the elders one day, the possibility of this is actually very slim. Therefore, it is already a very rare opportunity to occasionally receive guidance from inner disciples. Many outer disciples tried every means to curry favor with inner disciples, just so that the other disciples could give them some guidance in practice.

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