Chapter 13

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick time travel]" Chapter 13 The school bully must be good (2)
Xu Xi's script of turning evil and returning to righteousness has officially taken the first step, but the legendary protagonist has no chance to meet each other all day long. After school in the evening, Uncle Chen, the driver at home, was waiting at the school gate on time.

 "Master and Madam have business out of town this afternoon, and they won't be back until a week later. Let me ask you and Jiayou to take good care of yourself." Uncle Chen started the car smoothly.

 He never dared to call Song Jiayou "Second Young Master" in front of this master. I still remember one time, when Song Jiayou got up late in the morning and didn't have time to eat breakfast, Aunt Mei said in front of Li Yan, "Second Young Master, take this bag of milk to school to drink." The clothes hanger, the tall and heavy iron clothes hanger fell down and smashed the half-person-high handicraft vase, leaving Aunt Mei's face pale with horror. Although the matter ended with Li Changfeng scolding Li Yan angrily, from then on, the family workers never dared to call Song Jiayou "Young Master" in front of Li Yan.

 Xu Xi said "um", and asked again: "Where is Jiayou, are you waiting for him?"

 Uncle Chen was a little confused, so he said awkwardly, "Jiayou...doesn't he ride a bicycle to and from school every day?"

 It seemed so. It was only then that the complicated memories in Xu Xi's mind came to him slowly. Uncle Chen could have picked up and dropped off the two at the same time, but Li Yan refused to agree to ride in the same car with Song Jiayou. Li Changfeng had no choice but to hire another driver to pick up Song Jiayou, but Song Jiayou blushed again and again and said no, saying that he used to ride a bicycle to school, and he would just ride a bicycle in the future. Exercise.

 Li Yan didn't feel the slightest bit of guilt about this, and even sneered at him, saying that he was pretending to be pitiful, which naturally raised Li Changfeng's blood pressure and caused a new round of restless conflicts and quarrels in the family.

 The school is about a ten-minute drive from home, and it takes longer to ride a bicycle. When Xu Xi arrived home, there was only Aunt Mei at home, who had just prepared dinner for the two brothers.

 Seeing Xu Xi, she shrank slightly, said nothing, and left in a hurry with her head down.

 Aunt Mei worked in the Li family when Li Yan was very young. She and Li Yan's biological mother had a very good relationship. They were more like best friends than master and servant. Aunt Mei" called affectionately, she liked Li Yan and she liked him very much, she always treated him as if she were her own son. But since that incident, she tried to avoid face to face with Li Yan.

 Xu Xi sighed . little bastard Li Yan.

 With nothing to do, Xu Xi watched TV while waiting for Song Jiayou to leave school. The waiting time was much longer than expected. More than an hour later, when Xu Xi was about to go back to school to find Someone, there was finally a sound at the door.

 The door opened slightly, and a young man with a schoolbag on his back walked in.

 Today's children are well-nourished, and they are developing earlier and earlier. Many boys in high school have already jumped to more than 1.8 meters. Li Yan's height is 1.82 meters, but Song Jiayou in front of him is only 1 meter at most. seven high.

 Although he was shorter, Song Jiayou didn't look malnourished. His hair was black, his complexion was fair, and his facial features were outstanding , especially his eyes, which were bright and clear, but when he was facing Xu Xi who was staring at him, he showed a trace of anxiety and fear.

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