Chapter 14

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick time travel]" Chapter 14 The school bully must be good (3)
Song Jiayou couldn't recover for a moment.

 Li Yan never came to look for him in the first grade.

 In fact, most of the school was unaware of their brotherhood. The few well-informed people naturally understood Li Yan's dislike for Song Jiayou, so they never dared to gossip behind their backs.

 Therefore, when the legendary school bully appeared in the upper class without warning, everyone was whispering who he came for. Curiosity and excitement even surpassed fear.

 The person outside the window beckoned to him again, Song Jiayou hesitated for a moment, then left his seat and walked out.

 Anxiety and uneasiness filled his entire chest, and Song Jiayou couldn't guess the other party's intention at all. And the other party's first sentence was completely beyond his expectation:

 "Does the wound on the corner of the mouth still hurt?"

 He felt that his eyes were probably dazzled, but he felt a trace of concern from the other party's gaze looking at him. When he came back to his senses, he already nodded instinctively. His silly reaction seemed to please the other party, the tall boy in front of him smiled softly, the smile was so handsome and bright that he had never seen before.

 "Go home and take some medicine at night, it should be all right." The other party continued, "Do you have time at noon, let's have dinner together?"

 He and Li Yan usually don't go home at noon, and he used to settle in the school cafeteria For lunch, Li Yan is used to going to restaurants outside the school with his cronies. An invitation like today's was really the first time in history.

 Seeing that he was lost in thought again, the other party directly made a decision for him: "Then it's settled, I'll wait for you at the school gate after school." After finishing speaking, he turned around and left.

 Back in the classroom, the classmates gathered around gossiping about Li Yan and his relationship, but Song Jiayou didn't have the time to answer. Everything that happened between last night and now is too unreal.

 Li Yan like that... made him feel like he was dreaming.


 After school at noon, Xu Xi waited at the school gate for a while, when Song Jiayou came. The boy's fingers scratched the hem of the school uniform in a daze, still looking a little nervous. Xu Xi didn't deliberately say anything, but just led him into a "Victory Restaurant" with familiarity.

 The restaurant is located near the school, and most of the customers are students, so it caters to the psychology of the students. There are couplets pasted on the door, the left one is "Flag Opening Victory", and the right one is "Success", the name of the restaurant also takes this auspicious meaning. Li Yan used to come here to eat with his cronies. Of course, a group of scumbags didn't want to get some instant success, but simply because the food here was delicious.

 Xu Xi ordered a few home-cooked dishes, a plate of spicy crayfish, and two small bowls of noodles with meat sauce. Song Jiayou was still very reserved, he only knew how to eat the noodles with his head down, looking a little pitiful.

 Xu Xi sighed inwardly. No wonder he has to grow taller, how can a boy eat like this?

 He put on plastic gloves, peeled a shrimp and threw it into Song Jiayou's bowl.

 Song Jiayou suddenly seemed to be frightened, and stared at him with wide eyes, as if what he just dropped was not a shrimp, but a bomb.

 "Eat more." Xu Xi said, continuing to peel the second one.

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