Chapter 31

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick time travel]" Chapter 31 The attacking omega (7)
what. Xu Xi thought silently, forgetting about this matter.

 Unexpectedly, he fell off the horse in front of his old subordinate. Xu Xi didn't panic at all, and said calmly, "Before, I hid my real gender for some reason. I'm sorry. You won't blame me, brother?"

 Ding Hong stared at him for a while, shook his head.

 It's nothing to blame.

 Just shock.

 Viruses broke out, and when the apocalypse struck, I was not as shocked as I am now.

 Seeing the young man's dazed look, Xu Xi had no choice but to remind him: "What's wrong with contacting me so urgently?" When

 it came to business, Ding Hong quickly regained his composure and said, "Yesterday we parted ways. When I was searching for supplies, I received a distress signal from Xiaomeng. When I arrived, I didn't see anyone else. There was only one auto repair shop in the area. He probably hid in it, and was trapped inside for some reason and couldn't get out. I I dare not bring my brothers in hastily, I want to ask you what to do first."

 Xiao Meng is a male alpha, only seventeen years old this year, and has a good relationship with everyone on weekdays. Since he still has the possibility of being alive, he must not be abandoned.

 Xu Xi: "Take me over there to have a look."

 Ye Yu's team was about the same size as Ren Feng, with a total of eighteen people. Not counting his impostor, there were five male alphas, and the rest were betas. But the difference is that Ye Yu, influenced by his own experience, firmly believes that the best way for a person to protect himself is not to rely on others, but to make himself stronger. Therefore, he usually treats all the alphas and betas under his opponents equally, and conducts rigorous and cold combat training in a unified manner. Therefore, everyone in Ye Yu's team has the basic ability to protect themselves, and some of the betas are very good at it.

 In this rescue operation, all alphas and four betas with excellent physical fitness were dispatched.

 Everyone has assembled in front of the repair shop, waiting for news from Ding Hong. Seeing that Ding Hong and the leader who disappeared for many days to do a "secret mission" came back together, he was a little excited. An alpha named Chen Feiye even rushed forward a few steps impatiently, waving his hands and shouting: " Boss, what on earth have you been doing these past few days, I want to kill you-

 " Before the word "了" came out, he keenly smelled the smell of omega pheromone, and turned back to his companion with a puzzled look: " Have I been hungry and thirsty for too long? Where did the omega come from here??"

 He looked at Xu Xi who was walking in front of the crowd, smelling the increasingly obvious smell of white tea, and suddenly showed a look of enlightenment: "I know Yes! Boss, you disappeared for so long, so you went to soak in omega! Don't mention it, sister-in-law's pheromone smells pretty good, what does she look like, why don't you bring it back for everyone to see?"

 Ding Hong: "... ..." Why is there such mental retardation in the team? ?

 Xu Xi looked at him with a smile on his face, and said jokingly: "I'm back, how about it, are you satisfied?" Chen Feiye was taken aback

 , understood the meaning of his words, and confirmed it carefully The source of the pheromone, the whole person was instantly stunned.

 Behind him, everyone's souls came out of their bodies at the same time.

 "I'm an omega." Xu Xi said frankly, "I've been hiding from you for so long, I hope you guys don't blame me."

 Everyone had been oppressed by the Great Demon King Ye Yu for a long time, and they subconsciously shook their heads when they heard this:

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