Chapter 59

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick time travel]" Chapter 59 The ex-husband who took down the iceberg (8)
Xu Xi hurriedly invited Shen Mu into the room, closed the door and asked in surprise, "Mr. Shen, why are you here?"

 Shen Mu also felt a little crazy.

 After hanging up that phone call, he was absent-minded all night, and he didn't even eat much for dinner. After the New Year's Eve dinner, the family of the second uncle and sister-in-law chatted for a while and then went home. Grandma Shen originally wanted to finish watching the Spring Festival Gala, but she was a little mentally ill after getting older, and she couldn't hold on to go to bed after ten o'clock. Shen's mother and Shen's father also returned to the room before eleven o'clock, Shen Mu hesitated again and again, but still couldn't resist the longing in his heart, so he slipped out of the house quietly.

 The driving was too noisy, and he was afraid of being discovered by his family, so he ran all the way here.

 He was thirty-one years old this year, and he was no longer an impulsive, reckless, hot-blooded boy, but now he did something he had never done at the age of twenty-one-in

 the middle of the night, facing the biting cold wind, I ran across two streets just to meet someone I wanted to see.

 Of course, Shen Mu would never let someone know about the above psychological activities, otherwise the other party's tail might be raised to the sky.

 "I haven't run in the morning for the past few days, so I went out to do some activities in the evening." Shen Mu glanced at him, "Do you have any opinions?"

 Xu Xi: "..."

 Don't dare, you can do whatever you say!

 Xu Xi held back her smile and didn't expose him, saying, "Sit down and warm up first, and I'll boil some hot water."

 He went to the kitchen to boil water, and cut a fruit plate by the way. Mu stood behind him at some point, and said in an unexpected tone, "This is what you said 'have you eaten dumplings'? Huh?"

 Xu Xi shook his hand, and an apple flew out from under the knife. He looked back, obviously, Shen Mu had seen the minced meat and noodles in the basin on the cooking table, and they all looked unprocessed.

 Xu Xi: "Uh...this..."

 Shen Mu: "You didn't eat?"

 "Yeah." It's just that he didn't eat, but under Shen Mu's cold questioning, Xu Xi felt as if he had made some unforgivable mistake, and quickly explained cowardly, "I don't have any appetite, so I didn't eat..."

 " Do you have an appetite now?"

 Xu Xi: "Huh?"

 "I haven't had a good dinner yet," Shen Mu said, "Let's make another dumpling."

 After what he said, Xu Xi was surprised suddenly. Also hungry.

 As soon as they said it, the two immediately started their hands. The noodles and stuffing are ready-made, so it is not troublesome to wrap them. Xu Xi deftly cut the kneaded noodles into individual doses, and then rolled them into dumplings of moderate thickness. Pick up a piece of skin, wrap it with stuffing and pinch it, and a beautiful dumpling that fits perfectly will come out.

 Shen Mu watched his skillful and neat movements, and suddenly fell silent.

 "What's the matter?" Xu Xi asked, suddenly had a guess, and tentatively asked, "Mr. Shen...can't make dumplings?"

 "Yes." Shen Mu said honestly, "It just doesn't look good."

 After finishing speaking, He squeezed the dumplings in his hands and put them on the grate curtain. The dumpling fell down as soon as it stood up, and its shape was a bit weird, like a turtle with its shell facing down and unable to turn over.

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