Chapter 17

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick time travel]" Chapter 17 The school bully must be good (6)
It was Xu Xi who first found out that the Li couple had returned, was taken aback for a moment, put down the tablet and stood up. Song Jiayou was puzzled at first, but when he looked up and saw the person coming, he immediately turned to surprise, jumped up and ran forward and called "Mom, Dad."

 Xu Xi also walked over and called his parents.

 Li Changfeng and Liu Ru hadn't recovered from the shock of what happened in front of them, and they stood there with their eyes wide open like a somewhat funny statue. It was Uncle Chen and Aunt Mei who came in afterwards who enthusiastically explained to the Li couple, talked about Xu Xi's performance in the past week, and spared no effort in words to praise Xu. Xi.Song Jiayou nodded frequently to testify, his little face flushed, and his trust and dependence on Xu Xi were clear in his eyes.

 It took a long time for the Li couple to believe that what they saw was indeed reality. Li Changfeng was so excited that he didn't know what to say for a moment. He just stretched out his palm and patted the oldest son's shoulder twice, as if to shake everything he couldn't understand. Emotions expressed in words are condensed in this simple action. As a woman, Liu Ru is more sensitive. She couldn't help crying, but she didn't want to spoil the warm and happy atmosphere, so she pressed her eye sockets quietly to stabilize her emotions, and asked repeatedly: "It's so late , have you guys had dinner yet?" Are you hungry?"

 Before Xu Xi and Song Jiayou spoke, Aunt Mei replied with a smile: "No, the meal is ready, but the two children know that you are coming back today, so they insist on waiting for you to eat together!"

 After Li Changfeng heard this, he immediately waved his hand to ask Aunt Mei to serve the meal, and said to Uncle Chen with great interest: "Old Chen, take out the Moutai and have a drink with me!"

 Uncle Chen knew that he was happy, so he naturally responded with a smile .The six people sat down at the dinner table. Xu Xi personally poured wine for Li Changfeng, Liu Ru, Uncle Chen and Aunt Mei, poured a glass of fruit juice for Song Jiayou and herself, then raised the glass and said to Li Changfeng and Liu Ru: " Dad, Mom, I was too ignorant to worry you for so many years, I respect you with this cup."

 Li Changfeng and Liu Ru are over 40 years old, because they have been worrying about their careers and families all year round, there are faint stars in their hair The white silk, the corners of the eyes are also engraved with the traces left by the years. But at this moment, they seemed to suddenly become younger, their faces were ruddy, and their eyes Were so bright that Xu Xi suspected that they saw tears in them.But the light was fleeting, and when they saw it again, the Li couple had already drank the white wine in the glass with a smile, and said in a low voice: "My son has finally grown up."

 This meal was undoubtedly the happiest the family had had in a year. In the end, Li Changfeng was so drunk that he couldn't walk steadily, and was helped by Liu Ru to the bedroom to rest. Li Yan and Song Jiayou wanted to help Aunt Mei clean up the messy table, but Aunt Mei refused to let them intervene and drove them out of the kitchen.

 The bedrooms of the two brothers are on the second floor, one east and one west. Xu Xi was about to go back to his room when he heard Song Jiayou calling him from behind. As soon as he turned around, he was caught off guard and embraced him.

 Song Jiayou's head only reached his neck, and his limbs were not very strong and strong, but when he hugged him with all his strength, Xu Xi felt a slight pain in his bones.

 Xu Xi was a little surprised, but also a little soft-hearted, and couldn't help but want to raise her hand to touch Song Jiayou's hair, but her arms were tightly hugged together with her body, and she couldn't move, so she could only coax a child and ask with a smile: "What's the matter?"

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