Chapter 85

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick Transmute]" Chapter 85 Amorous (24)
"Hiss--" Xu Xi wailed, "Master, you're pinching me anyway!"

 Xiao Yun seemed to be awakened suddenly, his entire face and neck burned up all of a sudden, and he suddenly retracted the animal that had been released . Hands on the opponent's waist.

 Xiao Yun, Xiao Yun, it's a shame you still call yourself a gentleman, what were you thinking just now! ?

 He didn't dare to look at it again, left a random sentence "you have a good rest", and fled quickly.

 Xu Xi knew that Xiao Yun had a thin skin, but he didn't expect it to be so thin, and he couldn't touch anyone until before going to bed. Xu Xi decided to pursue and fight fiercely, took advantage of the victory and pursued, and took the initiative to find it.

 In order to reduce the fire... no, in order to distract his attention, Xiao Yun ran to the bamboo forest to practice guns all night, sweated profusely, and then went to the bathhouse to take a bath . he soaked in the slightly cool pool, and couldn't come out for a long time.

 As soon as he thought of going back and seeing that little girl, he felt hot inside, and the hotter he got, the more he dared not move , fearing that he would have evil thoughts again and eat up the little girl.

 Who would have thought that while he was soaking in the cold water and silently reciting the mantra of purifying the heart, the girl actually came over by herself, knocked lightly on the door outside, and asked, "Master, have you finished washing?"

 As soon as he thought of going back and seeing that little girl, he felt hot inside, and the hotter he got, the more he dared startled, and his first reaction was It's because the girl's leg injury is not healed, why did she run out? The second reaction was that I was naked and had nothing on, so I hurriedly pulled off the single clothes to wrap them up, and asked loudly, "You, why are you here!?" The

 door panel slammed softly, and Xu Xi was holding a new dress in his hand, Opened the door and came in: "Mrs. Yan made you a new dress out of a new good material, let me bring it to you and try to see if it fits."

 Xiao Yun hurriedly greeted her, and couldn't help scolding: "The clothes in the yard There's no one else here? Why are you running around with a limp on your leg?"

 "A little injury, it's nothing serious..." Xu Xi had just finished speaking when she unexpectedly bent her knees and rushed forward. Xiao Yun hurried forward to pick him up, but he had just come up from the pool, before he had time to put on his shoes and socks, his feet were stained with water, and the bathroom floor was slippery. After catching Xu Xi, he couldn't stand still, and there was a "bang" Fall backwards!

 "Are you alright! ?" Xiao Yun thought that he was rough and thick, and he would be fine if he fell. Although he had protected the little girl in his arms just now, he was still afraid that the fall would hurt her, so he hurriedly asked.

 "I'm fine, thank you, young master." Xu Xi lay on Xiao Yun's body and raised her upper body slightly.

 Xiao Yun froze, only then realized how ambiguous their current posture was.Ayun was on his chest, his thighs were close to his, and through a thin layer of clothing, he could clearly feel the heat of the other person's body. He didn't dare to look down, but when he looked up, what caught his eyes was a white neck and a beautifully shaped collarbone.  Xiao Yun's face was about to smoke.

 The worst thing is that Ah Yun... just sat on his lower abdomen.

 The blood flowed so fast that Xiao Yun couldn't control his reaction at all.

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