Chapter 58

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick time travel]" Chapter 58 The ex-husband who took down the iceberg (7)
On the appointed day, Shen Mu drove to Fuyuan Community early in the morning. After waiting for two minutes, Xu Xi came out, carrying a big suitcase.

 Shen Mu helped him put the suitcase in the trunk, and after getting in the car, he asked, "Didn't you say that the ski resort provides all the equipment? Why did you bring so many things?"

 "They only provide ski equipment, and we have to keep warm. "Xu Xi put on her seat belt and explained with a smile, "I brought two sets of hats, gloves, scarves, and some baby warmers. Oh, skiing is easy to wet clothes, I packed two sets for replacement, one A big size one, Mr. Shen can wear it .I also brought some food, skiing consumes more energy, and chocolate can replenish energy. Well, there are also cold medicines,of course it's best if you don't need this..."

 Shen Mu listened to the side The old man mumbled to each other, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he started the car.

 I didn't expect this careless ghost to become so consider and careful one day.

 ...pretty good After

 driving for about two hours, Beishan Ski Resort arrived. Because it is winter vacation, many people come to ski, most of them are experiencing this sport for the first time, their faces are full of excitement and novelty. Xu Xi and Shen Mu entered the venue with tickets, lined up to receive skis, snowshoes, poles, helmets and other equipment, and then entered the ski resort.

 The snow-capped mountains in the north are magnificent, the vast land is covered with silver, the snow is endless, and there are ice trees in the middle of winter, which is too beautiful to behold. The ski area is also very vast, With more than a dozen ski trails, a wide variety of gentle or steep slopes, no matter whether you are a novice or a veteran, you can find a slide that suits you.

 Many novices in skiing would spend money to hire a professional coach to teach them, but Xu Xi would never be so stupid as to ruin this opportunity for the two to get along.He brought Shen Mu to a flat ground, first did a warm-up exercise, and then taught him the basic movement essentials: "In simple terms, it is to press the body forward, bend the knees, position the feet in a figure- sight, and the ski poles to the back and outside. "He made a demonstration while talking. Shen Mu is smart, and he can learn 90% of it after just one reading. Xu Xi smiled and praised him, and taught him some basic movements, such as how to brake, how to turn, especially emphasized the movement when falling: "Be sure to fall to both sides. First, it can protect the head, and it is not easy to slip, so it is convenient to get up."

After the  theory was in place, he started to practice. Xu Xi first took Shen Mu to slide on the flat ground. He was even more nervous than Shen Mu. Every time he saw that Shen Mu's body was unstable and tended to fall, he couldn't help it. He opened his arms to help him, like an old hen taking care of the chicks, after two or three times, Shen Mu couldn't help being amused by him: "You don't have to be so nervous. How can a beginner not fall? I'm a big man, it's nothing if I fall twice."

 Xu Xi thought about it, so she simply asked Shen Mu to let go of her courage to go skating. Shen Mu learned quickly, and she was already skating decently before noon. I went to challenge the intermediate ski course. Although I fell many times, I still had a lot of fun. I couldn't help laughing several times with a face like Shen Mu. I just feel that I feel the most comfortable in recent years. one day.

 Until five o'clock in the afternoon, the two who had been crazy for a day finally returned the equipment and left the snow field. They were too excited to feel anything when they were playing before. When they stopped now, they felt sore all over their bodies, and they almost lifted their legs. I can't get up.

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