Chapter 28

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick time travel]" Chapter 28 The attacking omega (4)
Ren Feng's face changed: "Everyone get out of the car and look for cover!"

 You must not hide in the car in a swarm, otherwise it is very likely that they will be used as dumpling fillings and eaten by these two giant zombies!

 Everyone listened to the order, got out of the car quickly, and rushed into the buildings on both sides of the road to hide. Ren Feng and the other seven alphas brought their weapons and followed closely behind to cover them. When the five escaped people saw Ren Feng's alphas, their eyes lit up, and they immediately ran towards here while shouting for help.

 Ren Feng picked up a machine gun and took aim, and the bullet hit one of the giant zombies between the eyebrows, but there was only a clear "click", the bullet was bounced off by something, and the zombie was safe and sound!

 Everyone froze for a moment.

 "It's useless!" Those people had already run up to them, and the alpha man who was the leader cursed heavily, "They have protective iron plates on their heads!"

 Ren Feng and others looked up and looked carefully. Sure enough, this The foreheads and temples on both sides of the two zombies were actually equipped with thick iron plates, which were obviously used to prevent headshots!

 It is absolutely impossible for the zombies to install this thing on themselves. In other words, someone is trying to control the zombies?

 Could these mutated zombies have also been artificially researched or transformed?

 However, there is no time to think about this terrible fact right now. Seeing the two zombies approaching immediately, everyone started to run wildly, raising their guns and shooting at the zombies while running. The other parts of the zombie's body did not have protective iron plates, but the physical fitness of these giant zombies was much stronger than that of ordinary zombies, and the bullets hit them almost completely useless!

 The only way to kill them is headshot!

 A zombie howled and punched a building next to the street, only to hear an earth-shattering bang, half of the tall building collapsed immediately, the steel and concrete fell, and the people hiding inside screamed and fled. Unfortunately, those who were slower were hit by falling objects, and their heads were bloodied immediately, and they fell to the ground desperately.

 "Jin Zheng, Hong Guang, cover me!" Ren Feng yelled, and Jin Zheng and Yu Hong Guang immediately walked around to the two sides of the zombie in tacit understanding, raised their submachine guns and opened fire at it crazily.

 The dense gunfire attracted the zombie's attention as expected, and it gave up on destroying the building. It extended its rotten giant palm and tried to grab the two humans, but they nimbly dodged it.

 Ren Feng seized the opportunity and quietly climbed onto the roof of the minibus, his legs suddenly exerted force, and jumped onto the left shoulder of the giant zombie with amazing jumping power!

 Sensing an enemy "landing", the zombie immediately turned its head and opened its bloody mouth to bite the enemy. Ren Feng leaped onto the zombie's right shoulder at the critical moment, grabbed the zombie's slippery scalp with five fingers in his left hand to prevent himself from falling, his fingernails were almost completely buried in the rotting flesh, and a cold-lighting saber popped out from his right hand, stuck to the iron plate The edge pierced fiercely, and the iron piece was pried off violently!

 Sensing the threat, the zombie immediately raised his hand to grab him, but it was already too late-in the blink of an eye, Ren Feng raised his knife and stabbed the handle of the general knife into the temple of the zombie.

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