Chapter 39

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick time travel]" Chapter 39 Overbearing apprentice Qiao Shizun (2)
Xu Xi looked at Zhao Yao's current preference for Fu Shenxue: fifty points.

 "Wow," Xu Xi sighed to the system, "the progress bar is halfway through before doing anything, this identity is really a big advantage."

 "Don't be too happy," the system reminded him, "this It's because the protagonist doesn't know the truth yet. When he finds out, it's easy for you to drop to minus 50."

 "So the original plot must not be allowed to happen," Xu Xi thought, "Zhao Yao knows the truth It will be a year later, and before that, it would be best if I can fill up my favourability, if not, I have to go around in circles with Yin Mingjue and cancel that conscientious plan. It's going to be okay."

 Here Xu Xi is thinking about how to go in the future, while Zhao Yao has been tossing and turning all night without much sleep, got up before dawn, and went to Xiaoqingshan to pick a new one. Carrying a basket of fairy grass on his back, he came to Yuyao Terrace  . is on duty today, and is responsible for feeding Elder Qingji's latest favorite-the Jade Spirit Rabbit.

 Yuyao Terrace is a place where all kinds of exotic flowers and plants are planted and all kinds of rare birds are raised. The elder Qingji is responsible for the management here. Qingji is an old man who has lived for more than 200 years. He is not very enthusiastic about the journey of cultivating immortality. He only likes to play with these flowers, plants, trees, birds, beasts, insects and fish. Going to Yaotai to recruit, the last person couldn' t take care of him, so he asked the disciplines in Gu Zhong to come and help in turn.

 The Jade Spirit Rabbit is only the size of a palm, and its eyes are different from ordinary rabbits. It is faint ice blue, covered in snow white, lively and not afraid of people, very lovable. But they are also very troublesome to raise, because these little guys have a bad appetite and only eat Bailu grass, Xuanbing grass and Danxun grass. These fairy grasses have the miraculous effect of detoxifying and strengthening the body, which is something that many rich people in the world are hard to find, that is, Jingming Valley, which is full of aura and uniquely endowed by nature, is never short of fairy grasses, and the rich and powerful can feed them to rabbits.

 It was these fairy grasses that Zhao Yao went to Xiaoqingshan early in the morning to pick. This is not the first time he has done this job. He crushed and mixed all kinds of fairy grass with ease, and sprinkled them in the jade trough. Seven or eight Jade Spirit Rabbits swarmed up, sticking out their fluffy and round buttocks and chewing hard. Zhao Yao couldn't help laughing at it, stretched out his hand to gently touch the heads of a few rabbits, got up and went back with the basket.

 Back at Luoxue Pavilion, Zhao Yao was not idle, and started to work around the flower garden in the yard again. Although Fu Shenxue likes the Moon Frost Flowers in the garden, he has to practice and assist with various mundane affairs in the valley, so he has no time to take care of them himself, so he leaves all these to Zhao Yao.

 Although Zhao Yao is a boy, he is extremely careful and dexterous, watering, composting, weeding, insect repelling, pruning, everything is done very carefully, and he has never been impatient. A yard of Moon Frost Flowers grew beautifully and prospered under his care, and it has become a symbolic sight of Luoxue Pavilion. This day was the same, Zhao Yao found that many weeds had appeared again, so he quickly started to clean them up, only to realize that it was already noon when he was sweating profusely, and then realized that his stomach was already unbearably hungry , So I was going to wash my hands and go to eat something.

 At this moment, a voice came from outside the courtyard: "Zhao Yao! Come out!"

 Zhao Yao was stunned for a moment, hearing the voice sound familiar, went out and found that it was a disciple named Du Xu, who was often in Yuyao Every time I see Zhao Yao, I can't wait to look at him with my nostrils, so Zhao Yao has some impressions of him.

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