Chapter 48

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick time travel]" Chapter 48 Domineering apprentice Qiao Shizun (11) [3 in 1]
When the master and apprentice woke up, it was completely dark. It's not good to sleep overnight in the open air in this field. The two patted the grass roots behind their clothes and prepared to go back to the inn in the town.

 The field is quiet at night, frogs and crickets are calling one after another, and a few fireflies are flying slowly, like stars falling from the sky. When passing by a farmer's house, the playful child still refused to sleep, and was drowsily swinging on the swing in his yard.

 Xu Xi's gaze stayed on the swing for a moment, and Zhao Yao noticed it immediately, and asked cautiously, " you want to play?"

 "How is that possible." Xu Xi immediately denied it with a straight face.

 Zhao Yao snickered in his heart, and felt that his master was getting cuter and cuter.

 The two returned to the inn, stayed in the small town for another day, and then set off for Jingming Valley. Although there are many people and affairs in the valley, it is far less comfortable than outside, but the soft beds in Luoxue Pavilion are actually much more comfortable than outside. After taking a shower, Xu Xi rolled onto the bed and fell into a dark sleep, until someone happily combed his temple hair with his fingers and woke him up.

 "Don't make noise." Xu Xi muttered as he frowned in a drowsy sleep.

 A chuckle sounded next to his ear: "It's been a day and a night, are you still sleeping?"

 This voice... Xu Xi's heart trembled, and he woke up immediately. When he opened his eyes, it was indeed Yin Mingjue.

 He quickly sat up: "Why are you here?"

 "Of course I came to see you." Yin Mingjue said, "Such a big thing happened, and you didn't tell me. Zheng Tianyun died like this, it's really cheap for him .If it falls into my hands..."

 His tone was full of gloom, his eyes fell on Xu Xi, and he calmed down after a pause: "Stop talking. Has your injury healed? Let me see."

 Xu Xi Xi hurriedly said, "It's all good."

 Yin Mingjue put on a look of disbelief, and stretched out his hand to untie Xu Xi's clothes. Xu Xi was only wearing a loose single shirt when he was sleeping, and when he pulled it so suddenly, the belt immediately fell apart, and she quickly clutched the front of the shirt tightly with her hands: "That's great!"

 The more he concealed it, the more interested Yin Mingjue became. Now that there was no one around, he didn't have to worry about anything. He whispered vaguely, "Why, are you sorry to let me see?" After that, a big hand grabbed Xu Xi's wrist. , the other hand forcefully pulled at his skirt.

 At this moment, the door was deliberately pushed open, and a figure strode in: "Master!"

 Yin Mingjue stood up from the bed and turned his head coldly: "Presumptuous! Who let you in?"

 Zhao Yao asked Without changing his expression, he knelt down and held the food plate in both hands and said loudly: "Meet the owner of the valley! I am here to deliver medicinal food to Master! Master has been suffering from a bad appetite since he was injured. I asked the kitchen to make appetizing medicinal porridge. Eat it while it is hot." That's all right!"

 Yin Mingjue stared at him with a heavy expression, and then smiled inexplicably for a while: "Shenxue, you really have taken in a good apprentice."

 Xu Xi said calmly, "Master Gu is too famous."

 "Both In this case, you can eat first," Yin Mingjue said, "I will come to see you some other day."

 Xu Xi nodded, and said to Zhao Yao, "Send the owner of the valley out."

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