Chapter 3

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"Blame Him Too Cute [Quick Travel]" Chapter 3 Black Heart Lotus Evolves into White Moonlight (3)
On the day of the general cleaning, all the outer disciples came to Qingfengtang with sanitary tools.

 When Xu Xi came to Yu Huayan's room, he was reading in front of the desk. Seeing someone standing by the door, he raised his eyes and cast a glance.

 Xu Xi rolled his eyes and said forcefully, "I'll clean the room."

 Yu Huayan nodded lightly, and returned his eyes to the book.

 Yu Huayan's room was unbelievably tidy, but Xu Xi still cleaned the floor step by step, wiped all the tables, chairs and utensils with a rag, and carefully watered a few pots of green plants and flowers. After finishing everything, without saying hello, he closed the door with a bucket and rag and went out.

 Yu Huayan put down the scroll.

 When Fang Lian was cleaning the room just now, he observed quietly for a moment. The man was wearing a coarse cloth Tsing Yi, and when he was wiping the tables and stools with a cloth towel, although he still had an unconvinced expression and rolled his eyes impatiently from time to time, he was really working, unlike the old days when he was wearing Chinese clothes. It's a world of difference to be arrogant.

 Did he really start to repent after this punishment?

 Unable to figure out the answer, Yu Huayan stopped worrying about this question, but concentrated his mind and began to meditate.

 It is said that Fang Lian is a genius, but Yu Huayan is not far behind him. He is six years older than Fang Lian, and he has cultivated the "Qing Yun Jue" of inner strength and heart to the seventh level, and he is the most worthy of the number one among his disciples.

 But he has been stagnant on the seventh floor for two years, unable to break through for a long time. Although he didn't show it on the face, he was a little anxious in his heart. This kind of anxiety made him eager for quick success and quick gains during cultivation, and committed a big taboo. It was too late when he discovered it, and his internal energy was scurrying in the meridians, faintly showing signs of being out of control.

 Yu Huayan was startled, and immediately tried to calm down the chaotic internal energy, but the more urgent the breath became, the more chaotic it became. When the situation was critical, a pure internal energy suddenly spread into his chest from the outside, and a voice said: "Calm your mind. Without

 thinking about who the voice was, Yu Huayan immediately focused on it, and finally, with the help of someone who came, he slowly returned the restless internal energy, and at least it didn't cause a catastrophe.

 Opening his eyes, he was about to thank the person who helped him, but Yu Huayan was really stunned:

 "...Why is it you?"

 The person in front of him turned out to be Fang Lian.

 The other party came in too quickly, and didn't bother to close the door. Yu Huayan looked out following the leaking moonlight, only to realize that it was midnight before he knew it. There was fine snow falling outside the house, and the ground was covered with a layer of hoarfrost, only a small stool under the eaves was clean, and there was a lantern beside it, the candle was still on, as if it had been burning for a long time.

 Yu Huayan's ancient well-like eyes finally stirred up waves: " have been guarding outside the door?"

 "You think I want to!" When you meditate, I will protect you! I didn't say it, but you still have the nerve to be called the first disciple. You can go mad if you practice Qingyun Jue. You are so stupid! Already ?"

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