Chapter 76

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick Transmute]" Chapter 76 Amorous (15)
Xu Xi sat up abruptly, the top of her head hit the man's chin with a "boom", and the man hissed in pain.

 "I see you are really bold."

 Xu Xi blinked and looked at the man in front of him. The other party's eyes were closed tightly, and his face was slightly sullen because of the pain, but he could still see his original handsome appearance. Deep-set eye sockets, high nose bridge, sharp edges and corners, a bit wild and wild in his toughness, which fits his identity very well.

 "Dahei, why did you become a human?" The

 man's face became even more gloomy: "You try calling that name again."

 Xu Xi obediently shut up for the time being.

 The man raised his chin slightly, and said with a cold and arrogant expression: "My name is Ao Shuo."

 He waited for the little rabbit to turn pale with fright and kneel down to beg for mercy, asking him to forgive his disrespect and offense, but he waited for a long time and heard that the other party was dull He  uttered a single syllable: "Oh."

 Ao Shuo: "..."

 He couldn't believe it: "Don't you know who I am?"

 Xu Xi: "... who?"

: "I am the king of the beast clan! As a member of my beast clan, you have never heard my name!?

 " I grew up in the deep mountains and old forests, so I don't know much about you, and I haven't even met a few of your clan, so I don't know your name."

 Ao Shuo snorted coldly, forget it, those who don't know are innocent, and he decided to reluctantly forgive this person who has never seen the world. guy.

 He asked: "What's your name?"

 Xu Xi: "Single name is Miao."

 There is only one Yun Miao in the Demon Clan, and his reputation spreads far and wide. Xu Xi is not sure if his reputation has spread to the Beast Clan. To prevent disclosure, he concealed his surname.

 Ao Shuo disliked: "It's so awkward to call it a word. Then I'll call you Miao Miao."

 Xu Xi: "..." This hard-core straight man's naming method!

 Regardless of Xu Xile's willingness or not, Ao Shuo immediately called out: "Miaomiao, you saved this king, and this king owes you a favor. After returning to the Beast King City, I will definitely reward you greatly. What do you want?"

 Xu Xi thought for a while: "I have nothing else to ask for, but I have never walked out of this border land. I hope that the king will take me with me when he leaves. I also want to see what the king's city is like."

 After all , Only by following the opponent's side can there be a chance to gain favorability.

 Ao Shuo: "That's easy. I'll take you away after the king recovers from his injuries."

 Xu Xi hummed, then hesitated: "I still have something to say."

 Ao Shuo: "Say."

 "Can you Shall I put on the clothes first?"

 Ao Shuo: "..." The

 orcs will transform into human form after they have cultivated to a certain level, and they have long been accustomed to living in human form. Ao Shuo was seriously injured before, and his strength was lost. Now that his strength gradually recovered, he regained his human form-but his whole body was radiant. Xu Xi's own clothes were already dry, so he found out the half-worn clothes from before and helped Ao Shuo put them on.

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