Chapter 82

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick Transmute]" Chapter 82 Amorous (21)
Xu Xi didn't seem to understand what he was saying at all, and looked at him with a look of "are you out of your mind?".

 "I know you won't believe me now," Ao Shuo said bitterly, "I'll tell you everything bit by bit after I've settled the matter."

 He thought, Miao Miao lost his memory and forgot what happened between them Everything, perhaps, was God's punishment for him. In addition to his remorse, he was full of deep pity, and he reached out his hand to touch the slightly messy temple hair of the other party, but the other party subconsciously turned his head and avoided it.

 Ao Shuo's fingers froze, and finally let it go a little lonely. He forced a smile, as if he was talking to Xu Xi, but also to himself: "It's okay, we still have a long time ahead... You sleep for a while, and I will accompany you at noon."

 He gave Xu Xi After covering the quilt, he ordered the servants waiting outside to take good care of him, and strode out of Liufang Hall.

 Under the sunlight, the man's face was stern and cold, and there was no warmth in his eyes.


 is still brooding over Ao Shuo's refusal to stay overnight last night, he can't figure it out at all, Ao Shuo clearly regards him as Miao Miao, why doesn't he want to touch him?

 While feeling depressed, Ao Shuo had already pushed the door open, and before Ah Yin could rejoice, he had already seen the man's forbidding eyes.

 A chill suddenly shot up his back, and for a moment he felt that he was enveloped by a murderous intent. The fact is indeed so, Ao Shuo's figure flashed in front of him in the next second, grabbed his neck without saying a word, and lifted him into the air with terrifying arm strength!

 A Yin's face turned red suddenly, and he desperately grabbed and pulled the iron hand that was strangling his throat with both hands, but he couldn't shake it in the slightest. He couldn't utter a word, his eyes burst out, his face turned purple, his eyes turned black, and a thought appeared on the verge of death.

 --Ao Shuo was determined to kill him.

 Just when he felt that he would completely die in the next second, the iron hand let go, and he fell to the ground and shook into a puddle of mud. After the catastrophe, he coughed and spewed out a little blood foam from his nasal cavity.

 "Be honest," Ao Shuo looked at him condescendingly, as if he wanted to tear him apart, "Who the hell are you?"

 A Yin knew that there was no room for redemption, and she no longer dared to hide anything, and told everything in a hoarse voice.

 "I, I didn't do it on purpose..." He was trembling, crying bitterly and grabbed a piece of Ao Shuo's robe, "I have no choice, I will die if I stay at the border, I must take the opportunity to escape..."

 Ao Shuo Shuo took a step back in disgust, watching Ayin fall down in embarrassment again: "So you can occupy other people's things? So you let others die for you!?"

 In fact, with Ao Shuo's character, as long as this A rabbit stood up and asked him to take him away, and Ao Shuo would not ignore it.

 It's just that he didn't bother to say this to A Yin.

 For this kind of person who seems weak but actually has a vicious heart and is full of eyes only for himself, he feels disgusted to waste a word with the other party.

 He beckoned, and the confidants behind him immediately stepped forward and bowed their heads to obey.

 "It's too easy to let him die like this," Ao Shuo said expressionlessly, "I will break up his cultivation base, let him only keep his wisdom, and he will never be able to change form again in this life. You guys carry him away." Go to the border forest, remember, go to the place where there are most beasts."

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