Chapter 29

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick time travel]" Chapter 29 The attacking omega (5)
Xu Xi's prediction was right, Ren Feng came over at night.

 "You must be hungry after waking up?" Ren Feng said, "I brought you dinner." What

 Ren Feng brought were two pieces of coconut bread, a pack of beef jerky and a bottle of milk. In this apocalyptic world where it is difficult to fill one's stomach, steamed buns and compressed biscuits are good enough to fill one's hunger. These foods are already very precious and delicious. Xu Xi didn't dare to answer for a while, and looked at him a little flattered.

 "Eat." Ren Feng smiled, "You saved everyone's life, everyone is very grateful to you."

 "No, no..." Xu Xi muttered softly, her face turning red .

 Ren Feng looked at him quietly for a while, and asked, "Xiao Yu, why do you use a gun?"

 Xu Xi looked at him with some doubts, as if he didn't understand why the other party would ask such a question.

 "You only suffered minor injuries when you jumped off a high-speed off-road vehicle, which means that your self -protection posture is very standard when you jump off the car." Ren Feng asked again, "Where did you learn these things?"

 Xu Xu Xi seemed to savor the meaning of Ren Feng's words, slowly widened his eyes, and asked in disbelief : "Master, you... are you doubting me?"

 Ren Feng pursued his lips, looking at him say.

 At that time, the situation was critical and dangerous, and there was no time to consider many details, especially after Ren Feng found out that Xu Xi was lucky to survive, he had no other thoughts in his heart except joy,joy and excitement.However, after a whole afternoon of precipitation, he looked back at the matter again, only to find that there were simply too many doubts in it.

 In front of a giant zombie that makes a group of alphas flee in embarrassment, where does a weak omega get the courage to drive straight into it?

 And where did Omega, who was raised like a flower in a greenhouse, learn his skilled driving skills and marksmanship?

 It seems lucky to jump out of the car and escape at a critical moment when there are zombies chasing after and the factory explodes before, but if it is done by another person, or even another alpha, can it really succeed so easily?

 Ren Feng didn't want to doubt this omega, not to mention that the other party had actually saved many lives.But there are many doubts about the opponent. As the team leader, he cannot keep potential risks in the team.

 Ren Feng's silence confirmed his attitude, Xu Xi's lips trembled twice, and tears flowed down.

 "I don't know," Xu Xi cried, "At that time, I saw Xia Li and the others were cornered by zombies, and I just thought that I couldn't let them die. When I saw a car parked next to me, I drove I hit it.. . Then that zombie kept chasing me, I couldn't get rid of it, saw a chemical plant in front of me, I thought I could take the opportunity to blow it up... As for the moment of the explosion, all I could do was jump off the car , what choice do I have? All of this is my instinctive reaction..."

 Omega became more and more wronged as she spoke, her tears couldn't stop, her nose was red from crying, and she looked more and more lovable : "Is it my fault to take the risk to lure the

 zombies away? Is it my fault that I jumped off the car and survived? Since the leader suspects me, I will leave!" The grievances, sadness and despair are simply heartbreaking to hear. Ren Feng panicked from the very beginning of his crying, and then heard the other party's Accusation of grief and anger, and felt extremely regretful and self-blaming. Seeing that Xu Xi was really going out wiping his tears, he stepped forward in a hurry hugged him.

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