Chapter 79

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"Blame Him Too Cute [Quick Transmute]" Chapter 79 Amorous (18)
The captured demons were already dying, and if they were thrown into a cold place like a dungeon, they might die within two days. Gao Ying, the captain of the Royal Guards, was planning to dig something out of his mouth, so he called a doctor to treat his wound in a hurry to prevent bleeding to death, and ordered the jailer not to forget to pour some gruel for him every day .

 The demon clan just let out a sigh of relief, barely surviving. The Beastmaster Emerging Ceremony was held with great grandeur. The whole city revealed for three days. Afterwards, the Beastmaster executed the rebellious lion tribe vigorously. Naturally, there was another bloody storm. It was not until seven days later that the royal city finally returned to pace.

 Only then did Gao Ying go into the palace to report to the Beast King that he had captured the demons.

 When he asked to see the Beast King, the Beast King was accompanying his new queen to admire the flowers in Yifang Pavilion, so Gao Ying was lucky to meet the legendary queen who was favored by the Beast King. The other party is indeed a rabbit spirit, with a slender body and a clean face. Although he is not very beautiful, the corners of his lips are naturally turned up. Everyone looks kind and gentle, not annoying.

 Gao Ying thought to himself, although he is a man, he looks gentler than a woman, no wonder the king likes it so much.

 Gao Ying is one of Ao Shuo's confidants who is capable in handling affairs. Ao Shuo ignored his courtesy and asked directly: "What's the matter?

 " I'm here to report to the King."

 Ao Shuo's eyes changed, and he said in a deep voice: "Demon Race?"


 "Where is the person?"

 "It's closed in the dungeon," Gao Ying said, "Does Your Majesty want to see you?

 " Go to the meeting hall, I' ll go there later."

 Gao Ying got the order, and when he left, he heard the Beast King say softly to the people beside him: "I heard that the demons are sinister and cunning, with hideous faces, be careful not to scare you, you go back to Changle Palace first Wait for me, I will go back soon."

 Gao Ying has followed Ao Shuo for several years, and has never heard the other party speak in such a soft tone. Yes, it can turn steel into soft fingers.

 He went to the dungeon to bring the demon out. 't regained consciousness, Gao Ying didn't dare to be careless. He ordered someone to tie his hands and feet with

 shackles , and asked his subordinates to carry him to the meeting hall. at his feet, and frowned.

 Unexpectedly, this demon was far from the "scary face" he had heard about. On the contrary, he was very good-looking, and his facial features could even be called amazing.

 It's just that the other party's complexion is really not very good, the skin under the messy long hair is abnormally white, and there is a thick sickness between the eyebrows.

 For some unknown reason, Ao Shuo's heart suddenly skipped a beat, and a strange tremor passed through his heart, but it was fleeting.

 He stared at the demon, and asked in a deep voice, "Why are you so sick?"

 "I was seriously injured when I found out," Gao Ying replied, "I haven 't woke up for the past few days, so there is no way to interrogate.

 "The infiltration of the demon clan is a major event, so don't be careless." Ao Shuo said, "Continue to lock up and monitor closely . Report to me immediately after waking up."

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