Chapter 35

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick time travel]" Chapter 35 The attacking omega (11)
Xu Xi: "Let's take a step to talk."

 Ren Feng was still immersed in the shock after learning the truth and the sadness and disappointment after being deceived, his face was sullen, and he didn't move for a while.

 Xu Xi glanced at him, stepped forward and dragged him away. Ren Feng's inherent impression of him was still that of a delicate and weak body, and he was suddenly pulled by him so hard that he staggered and almost fell to the ground.

 Everyone: "..."

 Ren Feng: "..."

 ...even more angry!

 Xu Xi dragged him all the way into a small room and closed the door. Ren Feng took the hem of his clothes out of Xu Xi's hands, and silently stepped back to distance himself from him, obviously still angry. Ren Feng's temper has always been good, and he was really hurt by Xu Xi's deception for being able to behave like this.

 Xu Xi didn't act like a coquettish idiot in the past. He kept the distance from Ren Feng, remained silent for a moment, and said, "The reason why I became like this is caused by injecting drugs since I was a child. My mother didn't want me to become like this." A weak and deceitful omega has transformed my genes and required me to undergo high-intensity combat training every day. My childhood was spent day after day, and if I didn't complete the training task one day , you are not allowed to eat."

 Ren Feng's expression moved, his eyes flashed with astonishment.

 "But I never blamed him, because I knew he was doing it for my own good. Sure enough, I survived this zombie virus and formed my own group." Xu Xi looked directly at Ren Feng, "I admit, I At the beginning, I approached you with malicious intentions, just to inquire about news, so as to defeat you in one fell swoop."

 "But in the process of getting along, I discovered that you are so kind, you will comfort me when I cry, and you will comfort me when I am in danger. Come and save me, and remember to leave me a piece of chocolate..." Xu Xi's eyes were slightly red, and he smiled softly, "From the bottom to the top, no one has ever been willing to protect me like this."

 "Weak It's fake, crying is fake, and many things I said to you are also fake, but one thing is absolutely true, that is, I like you."

 Ren Feng's Adam's apple rolled up and down.

 "But I did make a mistake. I have lied to you for so long, and you should not believe me anymore." Xu Xi forced a smile, "If you want revenge, come here. I will never resist. "

 After speaking, he closed his eyes, as if he was at his disposal.

 Ren Feng finally moved and walked up to him in a few steps. As he got closer, he realized that Xu Xi's expression was not as calm as his tone. The long and dense eyelashes trembled uncontrollably, and soon gathered a line of crystal clear water droplets, which slid down the fair cheeks. down.

 Even though he knew that this cunning omega was probably still acting, Ren Feng was still burned by that tear, and a sharp pain shot up in his heart.

 There was no way, he hated seeing the person in front of him cry the most.

 Whether true or not.

 Sighing resignedly, Ren Feng stretched out a big hand, and slowly stroked Xu Xi's neck. No matter how powerful this person is, he still can't get rid of his identity as an omega. His neck is slender and his skin is white and almost transparent. When he touches it, he can clearly feel the beating of the arteries, giving him an extremely fragile beauty.

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