Chapter 46

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick time travel]" Chapter 46 Overbearing apprentice Qiao Shizun (9)
"Master!" Zhao Yao shouted, feeling mixed feelings in his heart, both shame and joy, as well as uncontrollable worry and anxiety.

 "Fu Shenxue..." The black-robed man read every word, as if he wanted to slowly chew up the name to taste something, the blood color in the depths of the dark pupils gradually deepened, like a fire burning in the sea. The fire was so bright that people were shocked, "You are really here..."

 "I should say this." Compared with the fiery eyes of the man in black robe, Xu Xi looked at him like any stranger There was also no trace of warmth, "Zheng Tianyun, after hiding your head and tail for so many years, you still dare to show up."

 "Hahahahahaha..." Zheng Tianyun raised her head and burst into a long smile, gritted her teeth, "You are really the same as before, a little It hasn't changed... But, your precious apprentice is in my hands, are you sure you still want to talk to me so high?" As

 soon as the words fell, he was caught off guard, and a jet of black hair exuding a billowing demonic energy A long whip appeared in the palm of the hand out of thin air, and it was thrown towards Zhao Yao like a thunderbolt! The magic whip is not extraordinary, its texture is as cold as steel, and there is a dense layer of barbs on the surface that is extremely sinister. Huobao scalded it hard, almost biting the tip of his tongue so he could not let himself cry out.

 Sure enough, Xu Xi's complexion changed slightly, and his words were so cold that frost could condense: "You haven't made any progress for so many years, you hate me for coming at me, what are you doing to torture a child?"

 "Yes, I haven't made any progress. " Zheng Tianyun stared at him, gritted his teeth and said, "Anyway, no matter what I do, you will never look down on me!"

 As if he wanted to vent something, he lashed Zhao Yao with a whip full of anger. Zhao Yao's current cultivation was far from being able to withstand the torture of a big devil. His whole body was thrown into the air and hit the wall in the dungeon. When he fell to the ground, the corners of his lips were already oozing blood.

 "Enough!" Zheng Tianyun was satisfied to hear that Xu Xi's voice was finally stained with anger, "What do you want?

 " go in."

 It was another small cell, big enough to accommodate more than two people, it was more like a cage than a cell. There were two shackles hanging from the top of the cage, one on the left and the other on the right. They were not made of ordinary iron, and the whole body was crystal blue and white, emitting an unbearable cold air faintly.

 Zhao Yao spat out a mouthful of blood, and struggled to get up from the ground: "Master! Don't!"

 Xu Xi turned a deaf ear, glanced at the cage indifferently, and actually walked in.

 Zheng Tianyun's pupils became more and more strangely red, and her excited voice trembled slightly: "Lock yourself up."

 Xu Xi did as she said. When locking the shackles on his left hand, there was a slight movement between his brows. Only then did he discover that the shackles were actually made of the legendary ghostly ice. Not only is it indestructible and chilling, but it can also seal a person's internal energy. Become a completely ordinary person. But he still didn't say anything, and locked his right hand without saying a word.

 It's really a cocoon.

 "Okay, okay..." Zheng Tianyun gave another burst of maniacal long laughter, and then suddenly his face changed, and he gritted his teeth and said bitterly, "You can do this for such a mere kid, why did you treat me like that back then? !!"

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