Chapter 6

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"Blame Him Too Cute [Quick Travel]" Chapter 6 Black Heart Lotus Evolves into White Moonlight (6)
The weather was fine that day, with a few white clouds in the blue sky, and the temperature was not as cold as it was a few days ago. Xu Xi spent the past two days in the house either meditating or reading. She was really depressed and panicked. When she opened the window, she saw a few plum blossoms blooming in the backyard, so she prepared to go out for a walk.

 Unexpectedly, Yu Huayan also followed.

 The two of them walked along the stone path for admiring the flowers for a few steps, and then they saw a few familiar people-a boy in brown clothes, who was the one who guided them the way when they first came; Li Kang, the second young master of the Li family.

 Xu Xi looked at a few people, and didn't know what to think of. Seeing that there was a decorative rockery next to her, she suddenly reached out and dragged Yu Huayan to hide behind the rockery. He didn't have time to let go of the other person's hand, so he raised his head slightly at an angle where he wouldn't be noticed, and peeked intently.

 Yu Huayan looked at the person in front of him who was almost in his arms and his tightly clenched arms. He looked a little uncomfortable, pursed his lips, but said nothing, and paid attention to the movement behind the rockery. .

 The boy in brown clothes was whispering something to the boy in green clothes, when he saw Li Kang walking over from the corner of his eyes, he hurriedly silenced and saluted. Li Kang has always been disturbed by the haunted things. Seeing the two servants whispering here, with a sneaky look, he immediately became more irritable, and asked: "Two unruly servants!" , What are you talking about here?" After

 two bizarre incidents happened in the Li family, the servants who worked on them were naturally in a state of panic all day long, and some even discussed it in private. The ghost of the dead came to the door for revenge.

 The two young men didn't dare to say anything, but they never mentioned what they were whispering just now.

 The more they acted in hiding, the more Li Kang felt that there was something wrong. He immediately

 became angry and said furiously, "You bastard! You're only going to say it if I beat you up?" "Master, calm down!" Confessed helplessly, "That's it, Amin told the little one that he was always very afraid because of the haunting in the mansion. Although he invited the fairy head, he always felt that there was something unclean in the house when he was sleeping." He was so scared that he didn't dare to close his eyes all night, and asked me if there was any good way."

 The young servant in Tsing Yi named A Ming kept nodding with a pale face.

 "The little one told him that the fairy elder didn't find any ghosts. What can I do? But it's probably because the little one lives in the back kitchen. There are many animals and blood, and his sleep has been very peaceful.

 " Li Kang, who hadn't closed his eyes for several days, heard the key, his eyes lit up, and immediately asked: "How to say?" The boy in brown clothes said

 : "A folk method of exorcising ghosts says that filth can exorcise ghosts and avoid evil, and The most indispensable thing in the kitchen is livestock such as chickens, pigs, pigs, and dogs. We sprinkle chicken or dog blood around the door of the house before going to bed, and we can sleep peacefully at night."

 Li Kang's heart moved, and his face was still fierce. After cursing a few words, he waved his hands to make the two of them retreat, and he also walked away quickly.

 Xu Xi retracted her head, pondered slightly, Yu Huayan waited for a while, and finally coughed softly.

 Xu Xi raised her head, only to realize that she was still holding on to his arm, quickly let go of her hand and jumped back, coughing frantically for a while as if hiding embarrassment, looking at the sky and the earth but not at Yu Huayan.

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