Chapter 86

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick Transmute]" Chapter 86 Amorous (25)
Xiao Yun's mood had barely calmed down from extreme shock. He had a complicated look on his face and asked, "You know kung fu, why did you hide it from me before?

 " A ghost who ran into him wiped the man's neck.

 Xu Xiban carried a young man as big as Xiao Yun on his shoulders, but he didn't restrict his movements at all. He stabbed each other along the way, and he was so arrogant to kill a bloody path in the bandit's den. The gangsters of the evil ghost gang couldn't understand how a well-behaved beauty turned into a terrible Yan Luo. Seeing that the situation was not good, they rushed to report to the gang leader Chou Tian in panic.

 Qiu Tian also couldn't believe his ears, he rushed over suspiciously, and when he saw the half-dead little brothers lying on the ground, he was very shocked and angry: "Damn girl, I've lost my sight!"

 Qiu Tian is different from other people , he is a disciple of Xianmen, and he has some real skills. Xu Xi had hidden the devil's breath before, and most of his cultivation base was also sealed. Now, if he wants to beat Qiu Tian, ​​he might have to...

 Surrounded by all the evil ghosts and gangsters who are facing the enemy Xiao Yun helped him to sit against the wall, and sincerely repeated the words just now: "Young master, don't be so angry that you become a puffer fish later, okay?

 " I'm afraid the girl is not the opponent. When she heard such a sentence suddenly, her thinking was immediately led astray, and she asked in a daze: "... What is a puffer fish?"

 Xu Xi said seriously: "A creature that looks ugly when angry. Not at all. There is no young master's heroic demeanor."

 Xiao Yun: "..."

 Seeing that the girl didn't take himself seriously at all, Qiu Tian was extremely annoyed. With a twitch of his muscles, he slammed the sword at Xu Xi!

 His strength was unmatched, the knife made a faint sound of piercing through the air, and its speed was comparable to that of an arrow flying from a string. It rushed to Xu Xi in the blink of an eye, and it was about to chop his and Xiao Yun's heads to pieces!

 Xu Xi didn't turn her head back, she raised her hand and pulled out the plain hairpin from her hair, throwing her hand away.

 At the same time when the hairpin knocked the iron knife down from mid-air, and the whole room screamed in disbelief, Xu Xi's black hair fell down gently, and his face changed quietly.

 Xiao Yun kept staring at him, taking a panoramic view of the extremely subtle but completely unignorable change, and was so shocked that he lost his voice for a moment.

 Xu Xi had a rare guilty conscience and couldn't bear to see the child's blank expression, so he coughed and turned to deal with the enemy leader.

 Qiu Tianben fell into deep self-doubt because "the knife he threw with all his strength was knocked down by a little girl with a hairpin". At this moment, when he saw Xu Xi's face, he was immersed in the greatest confusion in his life. .

 "You..." He pointed at Xu Xi tremblingly, his eyes stared like copper bells, and he couldn't speak clearly, "How did you become a man!?"

 The person in front of him could clearly be the girl just now , but that line, that figure suddenly went wrong, no matter how you look at it... he is a fucking man! !

 "I'm sorry, it hasn't changed." Xu Xi said apologetically, "Actually, I've always been a man."

 He sneaked a glance at Xiao Yun, and found that not only was the other person's face blank, but after hearing what he said, even his eyes were open. They all started to empty out.

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