Chapter 23

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick time travel]" Chapter 23 The school bully must be good (12)
Xu Xi and Song Jiayou fell into a cold war.

 To be precise, it was Xu Xi who started the cold war against Song Jiayou unilaterally. These two brothers have been wearing a pair of trousers in recent years, but suddenly they didn't say a word, which naturally attracted the attention of the family.

 "What's the matter with you two?" At the breakfast table that day, Li Changfeng, the head of the family, finally couldn't help but say, "How old are you, and you still engage in cold war?"

 Song Jiayou glanced at the expressionless Xu Xi , said in a low voice: "Dad, I did something wrong and made my brother angry."

 "Even so, Li Yan is too disrespectful to be an elder brother," Li Changfeng looked at Xu Xi disapprovingly, and taught him a dignified lesson , "Even if Jiayou made a mistake first, what can't be said properly, what problems can't be solved calmly? What's the use of just showing face!"

 Really can't. Xu Xi said silently in her heart.

 Your youngest son wants to mess with your eldest son. How can you keep calm after knowing this?

 But he couldn't tell because he was suffering, so he had to be taught a lesson in a low voice, but Liu Ru couldn't listen anymore, so he patted Li Changfeng and said, "It's almost enough for you, the two children have always been very sensible, let them do their own affairs." Solve it yourself, why are you nagging here?"

 Li Changfeng taught the child to be sensible, but he didn't dare to have any opinions in front of his wife, so he coughed and remained silent.

 "Yanyan, Jiayou, you don't have any special plans today, right?" Liu Ru turned to ask the two of them after cleaning up her husband.

 The two shook their heads.

 "That's just right." Liu Ru said with a smile, "Chinese New Year is coming soon, I'll take you to buy some new clothes after dinner."

 Now it's winter vacation, the shopping mall has a lot of traffic, but even in such a dense crowd , Xu Xi and Song Jiayou are also the most eye-catching existences among them. Both of them are tall and handsome, and the effect is doubled when they walk together. Along the way, they were secretly photographed several times by the little girl excitedly. Xu Xi has long been immune to this kind of battle, and Song Jiayou has long since lost the shyness and introversion of his childhood, and the calm and outstanding temperament of the two is more likely to arouse affection.

 The happiest one was probably Liu Ru. What mother would be unhappy seeing her son being so outstanding? She hastily picked out two long trench coats for the two of them, and planned to buy a thicker sweater for them.

 Serving such a handsome guy is simply a visual enjoyment. The shopping guides at the counter showed unprecedented enthusiasm and made recommendations based on their temperament and appearance. Liu Ru took a fancy to a light blue sweater, the style is not complicated, it looks very simple and elegant: "Yan Yan, what do you think of this one?"

 Xu Xi also thought it was good, so she took the sweater and went to the fitting room. Just as he took off his coat, the curtain of the fitting room was lifted, and Song Jiayou quickly got in.

 Xu Xi was startled, and looked at him with a cold face: "What are you doing?"

 Song Jiayou innocently raised the sweater in his hand: "Mom said that the white one of the same style is suitable for me, and the other fitting rooms are full. , let ** crisply squeeze with you."

 I can fuck you. Xu Xi gritted her teeth in her heart. Can't you wait for me to go out and come in again? This bastard definitely did it on purpose again!

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