Chapter 56

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick time travel]" Chapter 56 The ex-husband who took down the iceberg (5)
Shen Mu's long silence seemed to dissipate Xu Xi's courage quickly. He looked at Shen Mu anxiously, and explained eagerly and clumsily: "I, I know that I was bad before, and I also made unforgivable mistakes... ...I don't dare to ask for your forgiveness, but...I am really working hard to change, can...give me another chance?"

 "Jiang Ning," Shen Mu finally spoke, "Not all regrets are useful. "

 A mist instantly rose in Xu Xi's eyes.

 Shen Mu looked away: "Besides, we're not suitable."

 Xu Xi lowered her head: "...I know. I'm not good enough for you..."

 Shen Mu didn't explain.

 There is no such thing as unworthy or unworthy. Two years ago, when the Jiang family was rich, Shen Mu didn't think he was unworthy of Jiang Ning; today, two years later, he doesn't think he's superior either. Status and family status are all secondary. The key is that he and Jiang Ning have different ideas.

 Although the current Jiang Ning is indeed very different from the past, can the imprint of the Jiang family in his bones, the ideas and the way of doing things he has formed in the past twenty years really be completely overturned by an accident?

 Shen Mu wasn't sure.

 That failed marriage had a great impact on him, betrayal and hurt, one experience is enough.

 He didn't want to fall twice on the same guy.

 "However, I still don't want to give up."

 Shen Mu cast her eyes on him.

 "I know you don't believe me, and I will prove it with actions." Xu Xi said seriously, "If you find the right person, I will bless you. But as long as you are single one day, I will not give up. "


 Shen Mu couldn't possibly agree to Xu Xi's swearing declaration, she didn't feel very repulsed.

 Because the look in the eyes of the other party when he said this was serious enough to be sure, it didn't look like he was joking.

 It's just that young master Jiang has always been chased by others, so why would he still chase others?

 How long can he maintain his enthusiasm?

 Shen Mu didn't think too much about this issue, and quickly devoted herself to her own life. In addition to exercising and studying during the holidays, he occasionally works as an economic consultant for some companies, and his schedule is very fulfilling. When there were more than ten days before the new year, Mother Shen brought Grandma Shen over and wanted to stay with Shen Mu for a while.

 Shen Mu's parents are busy with work. grandma since he was a child. The grandparent and grandson have a deep relationship. In the past, the old man would come to live for a period of time every Chinese New Year. In the past two years, Shen Mu had to lose contact when he went abroad.No, not long after Shen Mu came back, the old man resumed his previous habits and came over again.

 Naturally, Shen Mu also welcomed it, and cleaned the two bedrooms in advance for mother and grandma to live in.

 "I haven't seen you for two years. Xiao Mu has become handsome again, but he's lost a little weight. It seems that no one can take care of him." Grandma Shen motioned for Shen Mu to bend down, and raised her hand to touch his grandson's cheek, feeling a little stressed, "When will you find him?" Someone?"

 "Mom, don't worry, Shen Mu is no longer a child, and he can take care of himself." Shen's mother comforted herself, and looked at Shen Mu's face with some worry.

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