Chapter 20

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick time travel]" Chapter 20 School bully must be good (9)
"Why are you going, Lao Li, don't you go to the cafeteria together?" Fan Lu hurriedly yelled when he saw the boy packed up his textbooks and was about to go out.

 "Don't get in the way, I have an appointment with a beautiful woman!" Fang Xingzhi leaned over and winked at the boy, "Is it Tang Yaoyao who called you just now? Dude, seize the opportunity!"

 "That's right, as the most handsome person in the dormitory , Is it worthy of your face that you haven't left the order yet!?" Fan Lu was filled with righteous indignation, as if the emperor was not in a hurry.

 The boy turned his head helplessly: "Could you please calm down. "

 "Responsible for your appearance" is not bragging, as soon as the boy turned his face to speak, there were a few girls around him who looked at him vaguely.

 White shirt and jeans, neat black hair, and increasingly three-dimensional and handsome facial features that make people shine, belong to Li Yan a year later-and Xu Xi who is still trapped in this body.

 That's right, Xu Xi has been in the second mission world for nearly two years. For some reason, Song Jiayou's favorability value has remained motionless since it reached 99 a year ago. Xu Xi didn't want to be fooled. Anyway, 99 points are already very high, so he let the system start the next world directly.

 Unexpectedly, the transmission failed.

 Then the system automatically updated the program, and after shutting down and restarting, it brought him a bad news: the "Villain Survival System" was upgraded to version 2.0, and the host had to fill up the favorability of the protagonist before he could leave the world and start the next mission!

 Thinking of the fg she set up before, Xu Xi wished she could travel back and shut herself up.

 However, the facts could not be changed. No matter how anxious and helpless Xu Xi was, it would be of no avail. He could only try to calm down and try every means to pass the level. However, it is clear that Song Jiayou has been intimate with him for a long time, but the last progress bar just cannot be filled. After such a waste of time, he actually graduated from high school step by step, took the college entrance examination, and was admitted to a university in other places.

 Now, half a semester of freshman year has passed.

 The phone rang again, Xu Xi glanced at the screen, frowned slightly, left a group of gossiping roommates behind, and walked outside the classroom while answering the phone. Before he could make a sound, a coquettish and complaining female voice came from the phone: "Why haven't you come out yet? I've been waiting for you downstairs for a long time."

 "Sorry, come right away." Xu Xi said, no He gave the girl a chance to continue talking, and hung up the phone directly.

 He and Tang Yaoyao are actually not familiar, they are just in the same department, one time Tang Yaoyao borrowed his professional course notes to review before the exam, and since then they have become attached to him, and have repeatedly said that they want to invite him to dinner as a thank you. Xu Xi had no choice but to comply with the entanglement posture this time.

 When she got downstairs, Tang Yaoyao was already waiting there. Girls are indeed beautiful, with well-manicured long brown curly hair, long pink windbreaker, and small black leather boots, all exuding a femininity beyond many of their peers. It's just that Xu Xi can't bear it, let alone fall in love with someone else in a world that doesn't belong to her.

 "You are really hard to please," Tang Yaoyao pouted at him coquettishly, "I have never chased after a boy like this before.

 " I did a little favor, you don't have to be so polite. I'll treat you this time, and you don't have to do this in the future." After

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